Kiki's quest for secretary of state.

May 18, 2008 18:38

I think i'm starting to like Barrack Obama.

The guy has two black names.

Barrack. Obama.

there is no hiding his black-ness, you see it coming from a mile away.
In fact, when I hear his name, I think -- "is he carrying a spear?"
not to sound racist or anything... but can you seriously see Barrack's wife
as the first lady?

"Guess what honey! I won! I'm president!"
"--no you ain't! WE be president... and I want my girlfriends in the cabinet,
and Kiki to be secretary of state! She can fight!"

I still don't have any time for Hillary Clinton... but think about it
this woman wants to go back into the office where her husband use to get blow jobs.
There is no amount of redecorating in the world that is going to fix that place...
and I think she's a bitch now... why don't we go back to the scene of the crime,
I'm sure that's just going to put butterflies back in the white house.
Everyone knows that an angry woman leads to no good.

--on a more serious note--

I suppose that i've been looking at this election too seriously. Too literal. It's a joke anyways... I think that it's a joke
that any of the candidates can do a better job than our current president... but it's not that hard to do much better either.

It's arbitrary anyways.

Too many people have their hands in the presidents job... too many lobbyists willing to pay money for special interest groups.
It has to be a tough job. But when is my president going to be MY president?  or rather OUR and not some large car corporation,
or name your random interest group. Look at the irony of the news stand... how do you run a country that has
magazines that the biggest issue on several covers is that Brittney Spears shaved her head and the very next magazine has
a picture of an oil field on it. I think before we can point fingers at who the problem is with the way our country is, I think we need
to start looking in a mirror.
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