Apr 30, 2010 12:52
I myself, as a unique individual am pro life. There are very very few reasons I would ever consider an abortion. Incest and severe mental handicap being on that list. But I do not believe that option should be taken away.
But I must say I am APPALLED at what Anti Abortion supporters are calling victories. They are not victories they are women hate crimes. And women support them as well as men!
After reading about Oklahoma's brand spanking new violation of the American Constitution I feel sad and outraged.
The doctors can essentially lie to you. No time in her life is a woman more strong and more VULNERABLE then when she is with child. She needs good solid honest information. She needs reassurance that when the doctor says everything is perfect that she can go home and relax. I am in COMPLETE agreement with trustworthy prenatal care.
I cant believe this was passed. I cant believe lying to a pregnant woman is considered constitutional. Has somehow been made into a law.
I am also disgusted with that fact that a woman has to view her baby on the ultra sound before she makes a decision. That to me is mentally scarring and cruel. And it doesnt save lives, it destroys them.
I am a BIG supporter of Adoption. I think adoption is wonderful...but the system is horribly flawed. Good loving people are often denied for reasons that are ridiculous. Gay couples have trouble adopting. Thats the most ridiculous in my eyes. And yet the anti abortionists scream out that the blood of innocents has been spilt across the nation....but those that come through are treated no differently than any other person. If they are gay, or muslim or pagan or jewish. Are those babies equally as precious? No. They are not.
You fight for their right to exist, but once they do you fight AGAINST their right to exist. But you still call yourselves prolife.
I also found out by going on a pro life website that they actually are suceeding in boycotting planned parenthood by taking it out of schools. Are they fucking stupid? Get over the name!
They are not a group of axe wielding fetus killers they are a group that can help a female get the care she needs. Colposcopy for one. Annual exams to make sure a woman can even HAVE kids. And to keep her in the know in case god forbid she has cervical or breast cancer. Planned Parenthood takes care of the things that society teaches us to feel shame for. Our vaginas. Our breasts. Our uteruses. They teach us that we can get these things examined and not be embarassed about it. And these extreme right idiots are denying us that because they have tunnel vision and can only focus on ONE thing Planned Parenthood does. Eve Ensler was right. We SHOULD be worried about Vaginas and any other parts that are unique to women.
And what is the RIght really doing about Abortion? They are screaming their heads of and hurting women. Why aren't they actively trying to make adoption more feasible. To fix the flaws in the foster care and adoption system? To actually PAY social workers instead of over working them and under paying them. To not be so fucking bible thumping and condemning and recognize a good solid home that can provide excellent care and love for a child.
There is A LOT about abortion I don't like and agree with and am disgusted by. But I also recognize the necessity for it being here. Its a sad thing...but so is war and we all know thats never going away.
And its all great to think that the parents are going to talk to their kids about sex and contraception. But lets be real...parents get uncomfortable or let religious views get in the way of facts. THere are many reasons a parent does not want to talk to their kid about sex. But that does not mean they should not have access to be able to learn.
Oklahoma you fucked up. And you fucked up bad. And you set a dangerous precedent. Its disgusting. And personally if I were a woman is oklahoma i would coordinate a mass exodus. Lets see how much of a family you can be without a woman.
I would hope that other states DO NOT follow Oklahoma's lead.