SXSW, part 1

Mar 16, 2009 08:35

SXSW is here again and I'm doing my best to participate. Last year I was unemployed, so I volunteered and generally networked and enjoyed myself.

This year, I happen to have a job. And sadly, I don't have alot of vacation time. So I'm trying to do crazy parties and events, and rapidly realizing that I'm not as young as I used to be. On the plus side, things are busy already. Here's what's up so far:

The movie I worked on last year is premiering, so I hit up the party for that on Sat. Met up with the cast and crew and chatted. Free drinks helped. Then the wardrobe girls and I went out for burgers and more drinks. Hung out for awhile and then got let into someprivate party. We weren't on the list, but we got vouched for. The party was in some abandoned office building, so that was cool too. On Sun, I met up with some co-workers and dropped by the main convention center. We went to the Screenburn arcade, which was shockingly small. But as we hadn't paid for badges, it was the best we could do. We ended up signing up for an interactive scavenger hunt. It was awesome! Thet gave us day passes so we could wander the actual convention. With a phone and camera, we pestered random booths, had free drinks, ran away from a bear, consoled a bride, made 2 video ads, and wrestled some Brits. Fun all around. Our team got 4th place (we hooked up with some folks from Atlanta, amusingly). Fleeing the convention, we waited in line for the Jonathan Coulton concert so we could get good seats. Paul and Storm were amusing as always and JoCo rocked. Felicia Day and MC Frontalot were chilling backstage too. After autographs, we looked at the insane line at the facebook party, the dead Twitter party, and hit up 80's night. It was great as usual. The only drawback is that I went to sleep around 2:30am, and started work at 7am. Ug.

The movie is tonight, and somehow is a red carpet event. So I'm dressing up! More details in the next post. Let's see if I can stay awake at work.

on the road

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