Name: Mirka Fortuna
Age: At least 100, but considering her status, she's probably well into her second century. Physically, looks like a pretty young teenager.
Hair: Long straight blonde hair.
Eyes: Red. It's a Fortuna trait, apparently.
Height: all the TB females, she wears crazy stilettos, but she's still really short. Around the same height as Seth, who's saying she's around 4'7".
Accessories: Nothing super special, but she does wear a decent amount of jewelry, mostly in the form of earrings and a semi-tiara.
Bloodtype: ...nanomachines that feed on human blood cells :3 From Radu, who took it from
herit: Bacillus Kudlak, a straptococchus-shaped bacterium with haemolytic traits which has a high presence in the Methuselahs' blood, is a microscopic parasite and reason for all superhuman powers of the long-living. Silver causes the Bacillus to stop all activity at once, hence, can lead to death like a strong poison.
Medical info: very healthy because the bacillus give her good regenerative powers. Any past injuries are confidential~
Physical traits: Very similar body type to Seth (i.e. slender, short but with long legs, no chest, stuff like that). she wears frilly clothes with ribbons. Tends to wear either short skirts or...uh, clothes with a short skirt in front but a long train in back. Is usually making a "^__^" or ":3" face.
What's okay to mention: Mirka is an amazing actress and politician, so most things should be okay--if she's shocked she'll do her best to hide any reaction anyway. Besides, she knows most of the major canon spoilers.
Notes for the psychics: Older than she looks, is probably almost constantly thinking about the Empire and making plans. Although part of her cheerfulness is probably faked, most of it's true. She cares deeply about her grandson Ion and while she isn't exactly nice, she's not as sadistic as her actions generally indicate. Most of the time (she does it to show her affection, really).
Abilities: She has the typical Methuselah abilities of superspeed, superstrength, agility, healing, and so on. We don't know if Mirka actually has any fighting experience/talent, but I assume she has enough to be able to survive assassination attempts long enough for the imperial guard to protect her, if need be.
Shapeshift/bodyswap/etc.: Just ask first! I'm not in the main chan as much these days, at least when school's in session, but castmates from most canons I play should be able to reach me. I'm also on gchat at lochnessasaur and respond to emails.
Hugging/Kissing/Nicknaming: ...I should be asking people if I can do this to them :3 IT'S COOL she'll probably do it right back though.
Fighting: You can ask if you want, but Mirka will do her best to avoid them ICly. Plus, she has a very special mafia.
Maiming/Killing/Death: See the fight section \o/ She'll heal pretty well from maiming unless it's uh...see Radu's post on
How to Kill a Methuselah.
Cooking: ...she has automata servants, so probably not.