So I'm standing here at my counter, thinking of blissful oblivion when *ring ring* my phone goes off playing the theme song to the notoriously funny Red vs Blue show that can be downloaded from their website
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Suggestions from the Night Chylde
October 12 2004, 22:36:05 UTC
I was a wimp when I left my job of seven years. I wrote a note to the area coach and put it in the office at my store. Then I called her voicemail and read it to her over the message to let her know why I was quitting and why I wasn't giving two weeks notice. I wanted my 97 hours of paid vacation put in for my notice instead. I made it pretty clear that if it wasn't paid that I would be faxing a copy of my resignation and a few more pages, detailing all the short cuts and problems in my store, the things I'd seen and the stuff I the district manager. I had copies of the contact list from our management screen printed out, so I could call and harass payroll. Which I had been previously told after being told to call them to straighten out vacation pay that should have come out of last year and were taken from this year...that I can't call payroll anymore that they would stop the store's checks. No loss there. Personally I would say that making up fliers with your livejournal addy in big bold letters and putting them on cars would be a good idea. But that's just me. I won't know for another week or so if I'm going to get the rest of my vacation pay but they put in almost 30 for me on my last I can only assume they are going to honor my needed pay just to keep me quiet. I love blackmail. But isn't it amazing how we put up with jobs like that for so long? We put up with such little pay, so much crap from higher ups, and so when the opportunity for a new job comes feels like walking out of hell into heaven. At least it isn't the other way around. And it makes you so much more glad for your new job that you went through the other. At this point perhaps the sweetest victory will be that you can walk out of there on your own steam, with your head high, knowing that you are going to a better place and life will be better. You can take that pride with you and think about those left behind with a certain amount of gloating.
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