Title: Natural Temptation
xfsistaRating: R
Word Count: 100
Notes/Warning: Prompt 7 (Candles / Manor / Veela) / Non-explicit sex
Candlelight cast a warm glow over her body, creating intriguing shadows that he relished exploring. Skimming his tongue over the hot skin surrounding her navel, he could feel the strong muscles of her abdomen quiver in anticipation. Draco worked his way up her torso; kissing, nipping, and licking along the way.
Spending the evening between his girl's thighs was proving much more satisfying than his mother's Halloween soiree at Malfoy Manor.
"Are you part Veela or just enchanting?"
She chuckled. "No Veelas here; just plain Hermione."
"Never plain, you wicked temptress." With a kiss, he thrust forward making them one.