Title: Stating the Obvious
pokecharmRating: PG
Word Count: 318
Notes/Warning: post-DH epilogue, Day 7 of the Valentine challenge - prompt #5 - ‘I've been going crazy. I can't stop thinking about you, and thinking about what an idiot I've been.’
The day had been dragging and it was hardly noon. She looked around her office and for once found it impossible to concentrate. Her mind kept coming back to one thing, one person. She could no longer deny it; she was feeling something strange when it came to him. Without planning it, or even thinking it through, she grabbed her cloak and bag.
She rushed past her assistant, who stood aghast at her leaving work for any reason and headed to the main corridor at the Ministry of Magic. She Flooed out to a mansion and stood for a few moments, contemplating what to do. Across the sun-filled lawn she could see him. He had his cloak rustling in the wind and was talking animatedly to someone.
One of his employees spotted her and smiled, nodding. In a moment he turned, his grey eyes finding hers in an instant. He grinned and she felt herself flush. He excused himself and headed towards her, taking long easy strides.
He stopped in front of her, still smiling. ‘To what do I owe this pleasure?’
She pushed a tuft of her hair behind her ear and looked down. ‘I…uh, I just haven’t seen you in a few days.’
‘I know, I was out of town,’ he replied smartly.
She bit her lip nervously. Her mind was having trouble focusing on one coherent thought. She wanted to do something, but she didn’t know which urge to follow. She looked up at him, the wind blowing strongly. ‘How…’ She fumbled and said quietly, ‘I missed you.’
He smirked. ‘Something you want to tell me?’
She gave him a tired look. ‘You’re not going to make this easy, are you?’
‘Not in the least,’ he replied, grinning devilishly.
She slapped him lightly. ‘Don’t make that face, Draco, it’s unbecoming.’
‘And what am I becoming?’ he asked innocently.
‘Very important to me,’ she answered simply.