Anniversary Celebration for Round Eight, Challenge Five - The FINALE!

May 28, 2011 13:31

Good morning/Good midday/Good evening to all.

Welcome to the Grand Finale Anniversary Celebration at Manse dramione_ldws .

This Round’s theme “Words of Love” was chosen to spell out Draco & Hermione’s commitment.

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Clever of us mods, right?

The bar is open and the buffet is to die for! I know you're all anxious to see the results, so without further ado...

The envelopes, please.

Drabble one winner is...


I have a confession to make: I usually shy away from Hogwarts-era fic, because until recently, I had a teenager in the house and that tends to make one less than fond of the accompanying drama. Actually, that should be Drama.

Your drabble, however, won many people over. Including me. For the characterization and the execution. Very well-done, Mihnn!

Drabble two winner is...


I have goosebumps. Your drabble is sheer poetry and many people agreed with me. I cannot wait to see what you do next.

And now, for the overall results.

The second runner up banner goes to...


Bookishwench, you are fine writer, indeed. It is a pleasure to call you friend and share a house with you. I hope you consider competing again.

The first runner up banner goes to...


Mihnn, you too, are a fine writer indeed. I look forward to reading your entries because you have such a good ear for dialogue, your characterization is strong and you have a sense of the delicate balance between humor and sadness, drama and comedy that makes up real life.

And finally, the Last Drabble Writer Standing is...


For someone who, by admission (if I remember correctly) struggled with the format, you seem to have done rather well for yourself. I think I still have goosebumps from that last entry.

Writers who wish to receive tallies and feedback, please comment and pokeystar will pm you on/by Monday or so.

Thank you all for coming - please stay, chat - visit the buffet and have a few on us.

We'd like to add a special additional thanks to all you readers, voters and pimpers out there - we couldn't do this without you!

Two community members read and voted each and every week.

Thank you for your unflagging support,


Thank you for your unflagging support,


The archive of all rounds has been updated:

That concludes the Eighth Round of Dramione_LDWS. Keep watching this comm for an interest poll regarding a possible Ninth Round.

Have a great summer, everyone



finale, round 8, results

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