May 25, 2011 20:36

It’s time for the FINALE of Words of Love!

Welcome all to the celebration of Dramione's Tenth Anniversary.

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

Please remember, finalist writers, that you may not vote in the Finale.

Here we go for week five!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, May 27th.

First Drabble Set
Words: Affection and Relish
Definitions: Hogwarts Era, may disregard canon
Related Forms: 100-599 words


Title: While Patrolling
Author: mihnn
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 597

Draco absolutely relished getting under Granger's skin; which was no easy feat. She was too confident to crack with insults, too smart to be ahead of with studies and too proud to cry by calling her a Mudblood. Obviously, he had to get creative. And obviously, that meant he had to stalk her.

"What are you doing, Malfoy?" She rolled her eyes as she hissed those words, her steps quick in an effort to move away from him.

Draco didn't bother to stifle the smirk that graced his lips while he fell into a comfortable stride alongside her. "Why, nothing, Granger. Why do you ask?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You're following me again."

"Really?" he said sounding surprised. "And here I thought that as prefects we should work together when we patrol."

"Last time I checked, I'm supposed to patrol here and you're supposed to patrol the dungeons."

His smirk widened. "And last I heard, we're not supposed to have secret meetings without permission."

She stopped, her eyes widening in panic before they were shadowed by a determined glare. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she said stiffly.

Cocking his head at her in contemplation, he stepped closer, effectively making her move backwards until her back hit the wall. "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about, Granger." He leaned even closer, his chest lightly brushing hers in an effort to unhinge her further. "And I think..." he said softly, letting his breath ghost over her cheek teasingly, "that Umbridge will be most pleased when she finds out what you and your minions are up to." He moved back so he could see her expression, a smirk forming on his lips when he recognized that fire in her eyes that always made his spine tingle.

"You think I won't get away?" she asked, her tone mocking and defiant. "You and your Inquisitorial Squad don't like touching Mudbloods, remember? How are you going to catch me if you can't touch me?"

His eyes narrowed in wake of her challenge. "You think I won't touch you?" He grabbed her wrist just to prove her wrong and to stop her from reaching for her wand. Just to intimidate her further, he bent down until his face was just a hairsbreadth away from hers, his eyes staring into hers intensely. "You think I won't do more than touch you?" he whispered.

He felt her shiver against him, which made him suddenly aware that he had pushed his body up against the length of hers, her soft curves fitting too perfectly against him. Her eyes narrowed while she pushed herself defiantly closer, her lips coming distractingly close to his. "What do you mean by that, Malfoy? What would you like to do to me?"

Nothing had ever sounded more sordid to his ears. The very thought of being with a Mudblood...But that didn't mean that he wasn't excited by the very thought of tasting those lips that made him want to throttle her as much as hex her whenever she spoke. When his gaze finally rose to meet hers, the realization of where his thoughts had been made him push himself back. He was suddenly aware that he was shaking from stifling the need to touch her. Trying to mask the panic in his eyes, he turned on his heel and left quickly, leaving her staring after him in confusion.

He couldn't let this happen. He couldn't let what he was feeling for her turn into some sort of affection. That would ruin him. She could ruin him.


Title: Matchmaker
Author: eevilalice
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 598

“Crookshanks!” Hermione’d been running along the castle corridors and down its shifting stairs after the cat for half an hour now.

She wished he’d show on the Marauder’s Map. She had a mountain of Transfiguration notes to re-copy since Ron had “accidentally” Incendio’d hers in a jealous fit after “catching” her in the act of, Merlin forbid, laughing at one of Seamus’s dirty jokes.

Clearly, Ron was not taking their break-up well. Neither was Hermione, to be honest, but she wasn’t about to let it ruin her final year at Hogwarts.

“Good evening, Miss Granger. Out for a late-night stroll?”

“Hello, Sir Nicholas. Have you seen a cat-not Mrs. Norris?”

“Why, yes! Went that way.” He gestured towards the dungeons.

Wonderful. “Thanks.”

What was Crooks doing down there, she wondered as she headed towards the Slytherin dormitory…

…and found, flattened against the wall, looking altogether uneasy, one Draco Malfoy, her cat at his heels. Frisking him.

Hermione was too shocked to laugh.

“Granger, if you help get this beast away from me, I’ll leave off my nastiness for a full week.”

Snapping out of her daze and indulging that small, petty part of herself that relished such things as minor Malfoy torture, a grin spread across her face. “That bargain may have worked last year, Malfoy, but you’ve been surprisingly tame of late. And why exactly are you afraid of a cat?”

Malfoy shoved off from the wall. “I’m not afraid! It’s just this animal keeps…finding me and rubbing itself all over me. I think it’s been Imperiused.”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Crooks, come here!”

But her pet ignored her, continuing to affectionately nuzzle Malfoy’s calves.

“This thing is yours?” he accused. “What game are you playing?”

“I’m not playing any game. He doesn’t even like most people.”

Malfoy’s glare disappeared, replaced by a smirk. “Well, then, he must have good taste.”

Hermione’s smirk mirrored his. “Did you just compliment me, Draco?”

He looked alarmed, like she’d uncovered some secret buried at the bottom of his soul. And was that a blush?

“He’s half-kneazle, you know. They’re able to tell when someone’s unsavory.”

“I’d say this one’s defective,” he snarked, but looked down at Crookshanks curiously. “Thought he was too hideous to just be an ugly cat.” He crouched and scratched between his ears nonetheless. Taking advantage, Crooks jumped into Malfoy’s arms.

“Hey!” He rose with an armful of half-kneazle, ginger fur all over his black robes. “What am I supposed to do with it now?”

She giggled. “Haven’t you ever had a pet before?”

“There are animals on the manor grounds, but they’re not really pets. The peacocks are quite mean and aloof, actually.”

“Seems fitting.”

Malfoy scowled but seemed more hurt than mad.

“You should get a cat,” she suggested.

“No I can’t, I’m-” he broke off, suddenly inhaling in great gasps.

And then sneezing all over Hermione.

Malfoy dropped Crookshanks, who simply landed on his feet and stared angrily up at him.

“No wonder you were so uncomfortable around him,” she muttered, glancing at the Malfoy snot on her robes.

“Here.” He held out a monogrammed handkerchief.

“A white flag?” she smiled as she took it.

“If you like. Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask…that team project in Vector’s class. Would you work with me? You’re the best at Arithmancy. And Malfoys get the best.” He looked weirdly smug yet nervous.

Hermione paused in her robe-dabbing, surprised. So many surprises tonight.

“Why not? Crooks has vetted you.” At their feet, said pet purred, rubbing along Malfoy’s legs again. “Just bring some anti-allergy potions.”


Title: Secrets
Author: bookishwench
Rating: PG for disturbing imagery
Warning(s): implied violence
Word Count: 549

If they were caught, the penalty would be terrible, but that only made them relish it more.

Seventh year was hell. Hermione had been stunned to receive her Hogwarts owl in August, compelling her to return using veiled threats against her family. Harry and Ron had disappeared in July, leaving her behind since Muggle-borns were Tagged, making her a radar blip for the Ministry to track them. She hoped they would find the Horcruxes before Voldemort succeeded in destroying everything, but she’d heard nothing from them. Her hope started to fade.

Hogwarts was, for all purposes, gone, and the Death Eaters taught little but hatred for Muggles and Mudbloods. That was why she and a handful of other Muggle-borns had been forced back to Hogwarts. House points were given for blackening a Mudblood’s eye, making a Mudblood kneel before a pureblood, or performing the Cruciatus on the Mudblood chosen as the Daily It. This “honor” involved Snape pulling the student’s name from the appalled Sorting Hat and the unfortunate boy or girl being the special target of the day for all purebloods.

But what was surprising wasn’t who was slinging hexes at her but who wasn’t. Malfoy had remained grimly quiet from the first day of term, his patrician features gaunt, his eyes dead.

Then one day that changed. Hermione had been at the top of the stairs, going to the dungeons for Slughorn’s Potions class, one of the few places that was usually a haven as Voldemort gave his old Head of House leeway than all the other professors. Perhaps that was why she was off her guard when Blaise appeared on the landing and silently sent her hurtling downwards at breakneck speed. She’d honestly thought she was going to die.

She had halted an inch from the floor, hovering, unhurt but shaken. From behind her she heard Zabini complaining only to be cut off mid-sentence with a drawled, “Shut it and move on. Now.”

She’d never been thankful to hear Malfoy’s voice before. As he stood next to her, a spark of rebellion was in his eyes.

“He wanted you dead,” he said.

“And what do you want?” she asked, looking him straight in the eyes.

“Not this,” he said, gesturing to include their entire world.

She kept looking at him, then nodded. That moment made them allies.

The Room of Requirement became their base. Draco was certain something in this room held a clue to Voldemort’s downfall. He’d spent countless hours there repairing the Vanishing Cabinet, and he had often felt a pull, like something nearby was alive. They searched through the Room of Hidden Things, finding objects long forgotten, hoping somehow one of them would sense when they came across what they needed.

They weren’t expecting to find that what they needed was each other. In those months, their bond turned to friendship, then affection, then finally on an evening of trembling surrender, into love. They kissed amidst the towering rubble of a different world, safe from the eyes that kept them from even glancing at each other during the day. Hermione felt like she was remembering how to breathe.

Nearby, a battered diadem glinted dully, vibrating with indignation. All sorts of secrets were hidden in that room, but some would take longer to find.

Second Drabble Set
Words: Years
Definitions: Freestyle
Related Forms: 100 words, exactly


Title: Chronology of a Heart
Author: eevilalice
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 100

The years have etched themselves into my heart like rings in a tree trunk. If you cored it, anyone could see: what I’ve been, what others have been to me.

So many rings regretfully thin, droughts when I was mean and no one but a fool would love me.

Then, the war. Then, her.

The rings growing thicker and thicker in direct proportion to my diminishing resistance: to her kindness, her intelligence, her scent, the sunlight on her hair. Her skin against my skin.

She’s the only one who’ll ever see, her eyes the only tool needed to core me.


Title: Through the Years
Author: bookishwench
Rating: G
Warning(s): none
Word Count: 100

Ten years since I first saw him grinning in the Great Hall. I disapproved. Back then, I disapproved of most things.

Four years since I hid he’d taken the Mark. Once Harry described his behavior at Malkin’s, I knew. I said it was ridiculous because I realized he was in danger.

Two years since we kissed by the lake after properly finishing seventh year. I thought the world was falling out of orbit.

Today, Muggles and purebloods sit together as we exchange vows.

It’s been ten years, and I can’t wait to see what the years to come will bring.


Title: Only A Moment Ago
Author: mihnn
Rating: G
Warning(s): None.
Word Count: 100

It had been twenty five years since she met him for the first time and truly despised him.

It had been seventeen years since she gave him a chance and began to understand him.

It had been fifteen years since they considered themselves as true friends; fourteen years since she kissed him for the first time.

It had been eleven years of married life with children who gave them heartache and laughter.

But it had only been a few moments since he whispered that he loved her, just as he had done every day since the first time told her.


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER AND LETTER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

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This Week: the FINALE!!!!
Voting ends 11:59 EST (GMT -4) Friday, May 27th

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This Week: the FINALE!!!!
Voting ends 11:59 EST (GMT -4) Friday, May 27th

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