Round 7 Challenge #3: Voting

May 20, 2010 10:13

Round 7 Challenge #3: Voting


It's week three of Draco's birthday celebration and this week it's all about the lurve, so let's see what's inside those fancy-wrapped boxes, shall we?

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):

  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

Please remember writers, that you may not vote for yourselves.

Here we go for week three!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm, Friday, May 12st.

Prompt : "It Seems to Me That Love is Everywhere"

Gifts are nice. Cake is too. But after the wrapping is thrown away, and the icing has gone to your hips, love is what remains.

A confession of love, Hermione's POV

365 words exactly.


Title: The Big Picture
Author: midnight_birth
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None, really.
Word Count: 365

Draco caught her around the waist and spun gently, effectively preventing her from blowing past him like she had the last couple of hours. She looked harassed, and her hair was starting to frizz out of her beautiful professional hairstyle.

“I am going crazy!” Hermione snapped, and he gave her an amused look. She took a slow breath and steadied her voice. “This wedding is a disaster, and it hasn’t even started yet!”

“Can't be that bad?”

“Both the bride and the groom are having a mix of cold feet and nerves, no one can find the bridesmaids’ bouquets, and the icing on the cake is glowing neon pink. I’ve tried every reverse spell I could think of, and nothing is working. George and Lee and conveniently nowhere to be found because they’re off gallivanting somewhere!"

Draco reinforced his tight grip on her waist when she attempted to break free. “You shouldn’t be so stressed about it! Don’t they have people who they have paid to concern themselves with these matters?”

“I’m the maid of honour and one of the best men!” she groaned, finally giving up on trying to get away and relaxing in his arms. “This is supposed to be a wonderful, happy day for them! I mean they sure waited long enough, along with all of us. It’s supposed to be so meaningful and beautiful and perfect, and instead everything is just going wrong.”

He gave her a little smile and raised a brow. “Do you recall our wedding, by any chance?”

“It was lovely.”

“It was hell on earth.”

“Fine. So?”

He smiled. “So what does it matter now that our chef poisoned himself on what was supposed to be our food, and that my father got drunk and was seen chased by a peacock through the garden by all of our family and friends? The meaningful moment comes after all these dress-up charades. The marriage means a lot more than a wedding. People forget that.”

She raised her eyebrows at him. “When have you become wise?”

He made a face. “I have a couple of Firewhiskeys in me, don’t tell Potter.”

She laughed, gave him a light kiss on the lips, broke free, and continued on her way, considerably slower.


Title: Enough
Author: terrayn
Rating: G
Warning(s): second-person POV
Word Count: 365

What do you give the man with everything?

You remember Draco’s half-mast gaze beneath luminous chandeliers in a fancy restaurant too rich for your taste-bureaucrat on good days, indentured secretary the rest.

You remember surreptitious glances at his hands, trying to mimic his guileless motions; outside in, use the salad fork first. These small, nonsensical things are what carve the chasm between you and him: a rift you resent feeling because middle-class Hermione Granger is not class conscious, not after ‘Mudblood’ and war and winning.

You remember his father’s sneer at the contrast between his manners, not sophisticated, not overbearing, merely graceful in a way you can’t imitate, and yours. His parents hate you-why did he want you there?

It’s almost midnight. He reclines on your lumpy sofa, and you wonder how he slouches so attractively. That part of you which begrudges and envies wants to smear him with lint and inexplicably spell-resistant hair you’re always plucking from jumpers.

He cracks open an eye. “Why are you staring like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like you want to feed me to something with lots of teeth.”

Voicing your thoughts would make you sound insane, so you clear your throat instead. “Just wondering if there were any eleventh hour birthday wishes.”

His grey eyes drift over your cramped flat. “No, I used them up years ago.”


A sleepy smile crinkles the corners of his mouth, as though this is ancient news. “I promised never to make another wish if I didn’t have to be alone anymore. And the Birthday Santa or God or whoever gave me you.”

He’s watching you in that squinty way you thought meant he was getting nearsighted, but now you know he’s really asking, this is us, can you see it? You can, and seeing is joy that singes. The fancy restaurant, you remember, was for your anniversary; he even let you pay half because that’s who you are. After, his mother whispered that you’re the first of his girls she ever met-which meant love had been in every moment, every word, everywhere, so you know that you are what you should give the man with everything.

You are enough.


Title: Worst Case Scenario
Author: bookishwench
Rating: G
Warning(s): implied character death
Word Count: 365

Dear Draco,

I’m sure you’re shocked at receiving this letter, especially now that I’m dead. At least that’s how this is supposed to work. I’ve owled this to Kreacher and asked him to deliver it to you if something should happen to me. There’s no one else to inform. Harry and Ron logically already know, and I Obliviated my parents’ memories of me. I know, that’s cheating, but if the worst has happened, they needn’t suffer. Besides, I learned bending the rules from the master.

Bet you always wanted me to call you that, didn’t you?

When you started spying for the Order, I thought getting reports from you would drive me bonkers, and maybe you did. But I began looking forward to seeing you. I’ve loved our times together, insane as that might sound. I even loved the way we bickered, the teasing, our own way of flirting. And now that I’m dead, I can admit it: I loved you. I’ve thought of you every night during this interminable camping trip from hell: the way the edge of your mouth quirks when you’re trying not to smile, the silver glint in your eyes when you’re up to mischief (so, practically always), your voice, the shape of your hands. I can also admit I’ve thought of our one kiss that night in the Room of Requirement more times than any sane person should. I’m as much a love-stricken sot as Lavender ever was.

I swear, though, if we get out of this war alive, I’m going to give you such a thorough snogging that you won’t need any letter to tell you how I feel. If that’s not to be, then at least you know that once upon a time someone loved you.


My mouth is hanging open. The letter, my letter, THAT letter, is in Draco’s hand. After the celebrations end, I am going to kill Kreacher.

“You wrote this?” he says, grabbing my arm firmly.

“I…,” I stammer, then admit, “…um, yes.”

“Better keep your vow, then,” he murmurs, smirking, and the next thing I know we’re kissing again as if this year never existed.

Maybe I won’t kill Kreacher after all.


Title: Like and Love
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: G
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 365

The scene is perfect: a lazy sun setting over a tranquil lake. The surface of the water reflects the surrounding trees and other plant life.

“You already know how I feel.”

His tone is grumpy, whiny almost.

You sigh. “Would it kill you to say it?”

He stuffs his hands in his pockets and shuffles his feet, kicking up little clouds of dirt.

“Maybe,” he mumbles. “Words are powerful, you know. They can disappoint, hurt, and in our world, even kill.”

You wonder what the big deal is. “You’re right, but they have power for good, too. They can uplift, encourage, restore. But you know, they are rather useless without action. Just saying something doesn’t make it so.”

“But in this instance, once the words are said, there’s no going back.”

“It’s not the end of the world.”

“What does it matter?” he blurts, frustrated. “Really, when it comes down to it, they are just words. And it’s my actions that show the truth, and I think I’ve more than proven myself by now.”

“Draco, sometimes it’s good simply to speak the words, to say how you feel. It can give solidity to your actions. It really won’t kill you.”

He grunts and scowls, and you can see the war raging in his mind. It’s hard to not to smile, so you turn away before he can see.”

“Hermione, you know I love you. Isn’t that enough?”

“It’ll be good for you.”

He sighs. “I… I enjoyed Mrs. Weasley’s strawberry pie.”

You peek at him from the corner of your eye. “Is that all?”

The look he gives you could melt steel. “I liked Mrs. Weasley’s strawberry pie.”

You wait until the sun disappears over the horizon and slip your hand into his. “Draco….”

“Merlin, woman! Fine, I loved Mrs. Weasley’s strawberry pie. Are you happy now?”

The wind blows your hair in your face and he overlooks his fleeing displeasure long enough to try and tuck it back into place. It’s a lost cause.

“The world is still spinning,” you remark.

He shakes his head and squeezes your hand.

“I love you.” It comes out a whisper in the fading, brilliant light.

He smiles.


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

Poll Round 7 Challenge #3

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This Week: It Seems to Me
Voting ends 11:59 EST (GMT -4) May 21st

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This Week: It Seems to Me
Voting ends 11:59 EST (GMT -4) May 21st

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round 7, voting

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