Round 5 Challenge #8: Results

Dec 12, 2009 23:11

Around the world with Draco and Hermione!
LAST STOP: Lyon, France!

Thank you so much for all of your participation in this rumble. Every week, the drabbles have continued to impress, charm, and delight us. We couldn’t have asked for a better group of writers in this round!

Our Lyon secret facts were The Festival of Lights and the Trompe-l’oeil! Everyone who wrote about one (or both) of these facts will get extra points this week!

One of your mods (floorcoaster) lived in Lyon for 6 months in 2008, and I absolutely LOVED reading about my favorite home away from home. So thank you!!

The winning Lyon drabble was a clear favorite. Congratulations goes to greenschist, who wrote “To Catch a Thief!” I loved the way you used the silk industry, which thrived in Lyon, and made it magical. Simply fabulous!

Mod’s Choice for Lyon also goes to greenschist. Congratulations!!

Our second drabble was to be written around the prompt “There’s no place like home.” The winner by 2 points is, once again, greenschist, who wrote “Two Truths and a Lie.” We love that dream sequence and are certain that Ronald is a more effective wake up device than coffee. Congratulations again!

Mod’s choice goes to bookishwench, with her lovely drabble “The Benefits of Over Packing.” Who hasn’t gone on vacation, only to come home completely exhausted? We love how Draco’s tune changed when he saw Hermione’s nearly transparent attire. Excellent use of the prompt! Congrats!

The authors’ names have been revealed on the voting post.

Feedback: If you want your feedback, comment to this post. It will be sent to you via PM.

Now. Before we move on to the BIG FINALE, we’d like to explain how we distributed points.

  • Everyone who submitted a drabble received 2 points.
  • The FIRST person to submit each week received 3 points instead of the 2.
  • Mod’s Choice received 5 points.
  • The top 3 drabbles were awarded 5, 4, and 3 points, 5 points going to the winner, then 4 and then 3.
  • Anyone who included the mods’ secret facts received 3 points per fact.

If you’d like a run-down of how you earned points during the rumble, please include that in your request for feedback. We will get all feedback (sorry it’s so late!) and point tallies out by the end of the day Monday, December 14.

ALL RIGHT, enough yammering and on to the WINNERS! And believe me when I tell you that it came down to the last week. Only 7 points separated our top two participants, which is awesome.

First place, in our first ever Dramione RUMBLE competition, goes to … (drum roll) … greenschist, earning 76 points over 8 weeks of drabbling!! I feel redundant saying this, but CONGRATULATIONS!!

Second place goes to mister_otter, who rang in at 69 points.

Third place goes to bookishwench, who accumulated 54 points.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this rumble! We had a blast, and hope you did too.

Thanks also to the voters, who sometimes left their predictions about the top 3 drabbles. This week we only had one person try to guess-thank you feuerfunke!

Round 5 is now at an end. Super special thanks to RaakinaIllisse, who allowed us to use her fabulous artwork for our header, icon, and all the banners. We’ll be putting up a survey in the coming weeks, so watch for that! And stay tuned for round 6, which will be starting up some time next year. We wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season!

Your mods
floorcoaster & pokeystar

round 5, finale, results

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