Round 5 Challenge #8: VOTING!

Dec 06, 2009 21:50

Are you ready to RUMBLE?? This week, the final week in our trek around the world, we’re rumbling from Lyon, France, to England!

Welcome to the eight week of voting for Round 5 of Dramione LDWS-Rumble Edition!!

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  • 1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  • 2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  • 3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?

    The “feedback” option.

    As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. You can also leave feedback for ALL drabbles in a screened comment if you wish. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

    Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

    Now that all of that is done… We present the drabbles for week 7!!


    [1] Choose your most favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote. Each drabble’s MF and LF scores will be added together. Drabble with most points wins!!
    [2] Points will be awarded to the top THREE (3) drabbles, Mod’s Choice, and any other awards we want to throw in!
    [3] You may NOT vote for yourself.

    Voting ends at 11:59pm, Wednesday, December 9, 2009.

    AROUND THE WORLD with Draco and Hermione!!
    This stop: Lyon, France! Pick a fact - any fact (historical, a festival, local color - whatever) and incorporate it into your drabble.


    Title: What Is Real
    Author: alexajohnson
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None
    Word Count: 440

    “I don’t get you, Granger. Here we are in Lyon, the culinary capitol of France-France-and you wanted to take me to have a picnic in a park?”

    She rolls her eyes. “It’s not just any park, Draco, it’s the Parc de la Tête d’Or, the Golden Head Park. It’s actually really popular in the summer because there aren’t that many places like this in Lyon. Come on, I bet even you think that lake is beautiful.”

    Draco looks out at it, and concedes that she does have a point. “I suppose it is nice to look at.”

    When he turns to face her, she is wearing a thoughtful expression, and it’s the look she gets when she’s about to regurgitate some factoid at him.

    “And what do you know about this place?” he asks, because he’s curious in spite of himself.

    “There used to be just deadwaters and swamps here-it was nothing but a flood zone. And this park was created to bring nature to the area.”

    “Is that so.” He gazes around the park again, this time with new eyes, and it’s so natural looking that he never would have guessed it had been manmade.

    She gestures to it, turning to face him so he can see the bright smile on her face. “Just look at it now-it’s absolutely breathtaking. Unless you’d read about it, you wouldn’t have the slightest idea as to what its past had been.”

    He frowns, wondering if she’s even talking about the lake now.

    “The only thing a story like that does is make you appreciate its beauty even more. Wouldn’t you agree, Draco?”

    Now he really knows she’s not talking about the lake, but he’s not even annoyed that she’d just compared him to a body of water. It’s something he struggles with every day-how can people accept him as he is now considering who he used to be?

    How can she?

    But now he understands. “Thank you, Hermione.”

    “I love you Draco,” she says fiercely, “and that is the future. Your past will always be with you, but it doesn’t define you.”

    He’s not quite sure how he got this lucky, but now that he knows that all of it is real, he’s not about to let her go. Ever.

    “I love you too, Hermione,” he whispers, and then kisses her.

    He pulls back to ask, smirking slightly, “Now about that picnic…”

    She grins. “Well, since it’s early spring there isn’t really anyone around...I think the food will keep a bit longer.”

    “Good answer,” he says, chuckling, and pulls her in to kiss her again, unaware of anything but her.


    Title: To find or not to find
    Author: lisiandapple
    Rating: G
    Warning(s): None
    Word Count: 235

    He already knew why she had gone there. There was a lion at the crest of the city, for crying out loud! And there was something about the muggles and the Second War she had told him about, but he was unable to remember exactly what it was. She was adamant about going to see it, so it shouldn’t be so hard to find. If he was on time or not was another question altogether. He remembered something about traboules or some thing like that, secret passages that had served to help many people escape.

    So he went to Lyon, and searched and searched until he could walk the nine arrondisements blindfolded, and yet she wasn’t there. He had almost given up hope when he saw a small door hidden between two old houses that he was sure it wasn’t there the day before. So he entered and saw a strange room with mismatched furniture. But he barely saw any of it, because finally Hermione was there, seated with her legs crossed on an almost disintegrating burgundy loveseat, waiting for him with a soft smile on her face.

    I knew you will find me, Draco, she said, and he simply could nod and shut the door, giving her a tentative smile back, as the rest of his life lay ahead of him, suddenly filled with the soft tones of love and hope and tomorrow.


    Title: To Catch a Thief
    Author: greenschist
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None
    Word Count: 497

    Hermione allowed herself one moment to read Draco's name on her case file and feel all the sadness and fear that filled her heart. When she was done, she lifted her chin and marched into the interrogation room on loan to the British Aurors by Arrondissement Two-and-a-Quarter, the magical borough of Lyon.

    At the scarred table, Draco sat examining his nails as if he hadn't a care in the world. Dressed in black from head to foot, his blond hair appeared exceptionally pale, and his grey eyes dominated his sharp-featured face. At her entrance, he smiled the same easy grin that once made her heart beat faster.

    But not anymore, she told herself firmly, ignoring the trip of her pulse.

    "Hermione." Draco half-stood as she approached the table and pulled out her chair. "You're beautiful, as always."

    Keeping her eyes focused on her dossier, she sat and opened the file. "Shall we begin, Mr. Malfoy?"

    "Why so formal? You haven't called me Malfoy since we started dating."

    Hermione looked up, unable to believe his nerve. "Well, we're not dating anymore, and since you've been arrested and I'm here as a representative of Magical Law Enforcement, formality seems appropriate."

    Her words failed to cause even a ripple in his calm exterior. "Not 'arrested,' questioned. It's an important distinction." He reached across the table and touched her hand before she could pull it back. "How have you been?"

    "That's irrelevant." She cleared her throat and picked up her paperwork again. "Now, tell me how you came to be holding the invisibility cloak when the Aurors found you."

    "Oh, is that what it was?" He sat back, an expression of polite disinterest firmly fixed to his face.

    Hermione glared. "As you are well aware, it was a cloak woven from the finest invisible silk, created by a Lyonnaise wizard to hide his Muggle wife from the Christian persecutions of Emperor Septimus Severus."

    "Sounds valuable." Draco laced his hands behind his head.

    "It's a priceless French national treasure. How did you get your hands on it?"

    "I found it. Lucky me," he yawned.

    Hermione slapped the tabletop. "'Luck' doesn't enable wizards to find invisible silk in the Bartholdi Fountain."

    "Then perhaps it was instinct." He shrugged. "As a Malfoy, I'm drawn to expensive things like a Niffler to shiny objects." When Hermione rolled her eyes, he smiled again. "Why did we ever break up, anyway?"

    "The fact that I chose law as my career and you became an international criminal might have had something to do with it," she snapped.

    "Nonsense." He dropped his hands to his lap. "I was just a tourist out for a stroll."

    "Dressed like a cat burglar?" Hermione waved at his inky ensemble.

    "Black is slimming," he said promptly.

    Fed up, Hermione stood. "I'm escorting you back to England."

    "Lovely. Time enough to finally discuss our relationship." The determined light in his eyes made her swallow hard.

    She feared it would be a long trip home.


    Title: Trompe-l’œil
    Author: mister_otter
    Rating: G
    Warning(s): none
    Word Count: 487

    Hermione stood at the back of beautiful Notre Dame de Fourvière, watching as Lavender Brown, in a gown of Lyonnais silk, stepped forward to join Ronald Weasley in marriage.

    For Hermione, it was the matrimonial version of the proverbial train wreck-painful to watch, impossible to avoid. Ron was her best friend; she couldn’t not attend his wedding. But Ron was also the man she loved and her heart was breaking…

    At least Lavender had had the decency not to ask her to be a bridesmaid. As long as Hermione could keep her distance, she might just succeed in keeping her emotional equilibrium. Only -it wasn’t working, and the tears overflowed.

    Sudden movement as a latecomer slid into the pew beside her.


    She turned to see Draco Malfoy, his fingers moving in the lightning-fast pattern of an intricate, wandless charm.

    Spell completed, he grabbed Hermione’s wrist and pulled her from the pew.

    “Malfoy! What…”

    ”Shhh… let’s go outside.” His hand clamped tightly on her arm, Draco ushered Hermione from the chilly cathedral into the warm spring sunshine.

    “What are you doing?” she hissed. “People will notice I’m missing…”

    “No, they won’t. I’ve just performed a trompe-l’œilspell. To anyone who looks, it will appear that you are standing in the back of the church, watching the ceremony.”


    “You rightly deserve your place in Gryffindor,” Draco cut off her protest. “You are the bravest witch I know, coming here to watch as the man you think you want marries another woman. Now, dry your eyes, love. He’s not worth it. “

    “How…how do you know what I’m feeling?”

    “It’s the nature of a Slytherin to observe, interpret, and intuit.” He grinned. “That’s why we make such excellent spies “

    Curiosity aroused, Hermione asked. “Is the trompe-l’œil spell difficult to cast?

    “No more difficult than the spell you’ve cast over yourself.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “Only that you’ve been fixated on Weasley for far too long,” Draco replied. “You’ve developed an obsessesive notion that he is the one for you. But obsession is a false picture of love, Hermione. Look into your heart--I think you’ll see something quite different.”

    “I need to get back into the church…”

    “Why? Everyone’s focus is on the bride and groom. Why not stay here in the sunshine with someone who’s focused on you?”

    “They will expect…”

    “Of course they will. But don’t let your over-developed sense of duty cause you to miss something special.” Draco touched her arm, his voice soft and intimate. “Be my date for the reception? We’ll put in a brief appearance and then I’ll take you to see a real trompe-l’œil painting. Lyon is full of them.”

    Gaazing into his grey eyes was like staring into a mirror--where one could see the truth as clear as day, if one had the courage not to turn away from it.

    With a tentative smile, Hermione nodded yes.


    Title: It’s Just Good Business
    Author: pokecharm
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): Post-DH Epilogue
    Word Count: 498

    The key to a successful business deal, Draco had discovered, was to wine-and-dine the clients into trusting him. He would take them out for an expensive dinner and show them around town. In this instance, he had been taken out of his comfort zone, trying to win a client over that was not in Great Britain.

    The business meetings had been going well and he was certain he’d have a very high-profile client before the weekend was up. The only downfall to his dedicated work was that he couldn’t be at home. He glanced at the clock and realised he had to be at the city centre in an hour and hurried out the door.

    Place Bellecour was teeming with tourists and he walked briskly towards the statue of Louis XIV where he would be meeting his clients. The warmer temperatures allowed him to go out without a coat and he stood tall watching masses of people pass him by. Couples passed hand-in-hand and he eyed them enviously. If he had wanted one thing, before leaving home, it was to have brought his wife with him. But they were too alike, and she too was very dedicated to her work.

    A young boy came running up to him. ‘Monsieur Malfoy?”

    Draco nodded. The boy handed him a letter and ran off before Draco could utter thanks, in any language. He ripped open the letter and read a short note from his client, stating that they regretted not being able to make it out, but could not waste a beautiful evening on business.

    He sighed and slipped the envelope into his pocket. The square was full of life and Draco meandered over to a nearby café, ordering a coffee and settling at a table that looked out onto the square.

    Although the night was gorgeous, he took no joy from it. Dropping a few coins on the table, he made his way through the crowd and headed back to the hotel. Heading west out of the square, he passed the statue of Petit Prince and Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He stopped to take another look at the square and noticed a small object on the ground.

    He didn’t know why it caught his attention, but he bent down to pick it up, and in that moment, he felt a massive tug at his navel and crashed onto a very familiar carpeted room.

    ‘Oh my…I didn’t expect you to find that so quickly.’ A soft pair of hands gripped his face and the room spun back into focus. He found himself looking into the most breath-taking pair of dark brown eyes.

    ‘Hermione,’ he gasped. ‘Did you arrange this?’

    Only then did he realise her state of undress and gaped at her. She smiled seductively at him and he grinned in response. ‘Miss me?’

    ‘You know it,’ she replied huskily as she released his face and unbuttoned his shirt, while he lifted her off of the floor and headed towards the bed.


    Title: You Never Forget... If You Know
    Author: bookishwench
    Rating: G
    Warning(s): none
    Word Count: 481

    “Will you just hop on already?” Hermione said, tapping her foot in annoyance.

    “Do you have any idea how many people have used that bicycle?” Draco said dismissively, pointing at one of the free bicycles Lyon provided for a half hour at a time to the public. “It’s completely unsanitary.”

    “Oh really?” Hermione said, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. “You can’t ride a bicycle, can you?”

    “You’re bonkers!” Draco said, looking aghast. “You’ve seen me ride a broomstick dozens of times!”

    “A broomstick is not a bicycle,” Hermione pointed out.

    “Yeah, yeah, so there’s some sort of pedaling thing involved in this and it doesn’t fly. Aside from that, I’d say it’s the same thing,” he said.

    “You’d be wrong,” Hermione said quietly, shaking her head, but he paid no attention as he flung one leg over the seat of a bike, spurred on by her belief that there was something he couldn’t do.

    He sat triumphantly on his mount as she chose her own, then frowned.

    “Exactly how do you start this thing?” he asked. “Does it need a key like that car thing?”

    “You just pedal, Draco,” Hermione said, hiding a grin. “There’s no engine in it.”

    “Huh. All right, but I still think it’s odd,” Draco said, and he put his feet on the peddles.

    He tottering crazily to one side and sprawling over the thankfully vacant road. He hopped to his feet at once, obviously embarrassed and red in the face, and Hermione realized that he really did need lessons if he was going to avoid a major accident.

    “Here, let’s walk these over to that park,” she said. “You can, um, get used to it over there,” she added, carefully avoid the word “learn.”

    He sniffed disdainfully, but followed her, pushing his bike, the pedals kicking him in the shins every few steps. Hermione did prove to be an excellent teacher, and in a little more than an hour, Draco was wobbling a great deal less than before.

    “Fine, now we can go off to that book museum thing you wanted to see so badly,” he said, and they ventured into the streets of Lyon.

    Unfortunately, Draco couldn’t help being a little over-confident.

    “Hey, why don’t we take that tree-lined road over that way!” he called over his shoulder, and before Hermione could yell out “No!” he had ridden face-first into a highly realistic trompe l’oeil painting on the side of a nearby building.

    “Are you okay?” she asked, bringing her bike to a perfect stop next to him.

    “Yeah,” he said, shaking his head. “What do you say we skip the bikes and just take a bus?”

    “I think that sounds like an excellent idea,” Hermione said as they headed off, leaving the bikes at a nearby collection station.

    She made a point of not noticing when Draco rather firmly kicked his on the fender.


    Title: Beyond
    Author: ayane_tsurugi
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None.
    Word Count: 373

    It took nearly a year of Draco asking before Hermione agreed to go out with him.

    She had to admit that Ron had a point: he was a persistent little ferret.

    And, sitting in one of the world’s most renowned restaurants, part of what had to be the world’s most elaborate first date, she wasn’t sure if she regretted it.

    Of course, the entire evening had been nice; it was just entirely over the top.

    As they waited for their coats, she turned to him and asked, “Isn’t France more of a second date kind of destination?”

    A worried frown formed on his face. “You don’t like it.”

    She grabbed one of his hands and squeezed it. “Don’t be daft. How could I not? Just, you really shouldn’t be spending this much on me. I don’t feel right about it.”

    His expression turned thoughtful and, after a moment, he grinned brightly. It was an expression she’d very rarely seen on him, and she had to say that it agreed with him. “I promise that I won’t spend another knut tonight,” he said, pulling on the coat that had been returned to him.

    She smiled warmly. “I’m grateful. Oh!” He had reclaimed her hand, and was pulling her along excitedly before she could continue. She laughed. He was, it turned out, quite enjoyable company when he wasn’t trying so hard.

    When they finally stopped, her mouth was already hanging open. They were in Place Bellecour, and Draco was grinning excitedly at the Ferris wheel that had been erected in the middle of the square.

    “Perfect?” he asked, looking very pleased with himself, which she noted was much less annoying while in France. She’d have to remember that.

    “Beyond,” she said breathlessly, and his grip on her hand tightened excitedly. He didn’t let go until they were stopped directly at the top of the wheel, and he let go to cradle her cheek and press a kiss to her lips.

    When she pulled back, she could feel herself flush, and hoped he would blame it on the cold night air. “You know you’re not going to be able to top this on our second date, right?”

    He laughed and kissed her lightly again. “We’ll see.”


    AROUND THE WORLD with Draco and Hermione!!
    LAST stop: There’s no place like home! Freestyle-word count must be 375 exactly.


    Title: Gone
    Author: pokecharm
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): Post-DH Epilogue
    Word Count: 375

    The musty smell of papers and photographs that hadn’t been touched in decades overwhelmed her as she entered the room. She sat down near the bed and pulled a box out from under it. Dust was caked on the top and she waved her wand, dissolving it.

    She pulled out various files and studied them before sorting each one into one of two piles: one to be kept and one to be discarded. The door behind her creaked open and she saw her best friend, Ginny Potter smiling consolingly. The younger woman came in and sat down next to her friend, setting a cup of tea on the floor.

    ‘Can I help?’ she asked quietly.

    ‘No,’ Hermione replied, turning back to the box. ‘I just need to get through this.’

    Ginny nodded slowly. ‘Of course, but don’t forget, we’re all downstairs, if you want to talk, or anything. We’re all in this together.’

    Hermione sighed. She knew her friend was only trying to help, but company was the last thing she wanted. She nodded absently, hoping this would give a hint at her desire to be alone. Ginny squeezed her friend’s shoulder before getting up and going back downstairs.

    She took a deep breathe, collecting her thoughts before turning back to her work. In the last box were photographs from what felt like a lifetime ago. Her eyes filled with tears as she stared down at a younger version of herself and her husband.

    She felt a sudden rush of coolness and turned to see a very familiar face. The warm tears spilled down her cheek and Draco shook his head, smiling at her. ‘Don’t cry on account of me.’

    ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked, wiping her eyes.

    ‘Everyone’s downstairs, waiting for you. You should be with them.’

    ‘I want to be with you right now,’ she replied vehemently, her hair falling in her face.

    With a translucent finger, he tried to brush it away. ‘You know I can’t stay.’

    ‘Please…’ she begged, but he was already fading.

    ‘I’ll always love you,’ he said, before fading. She choked back tears as she hugged the wedding picture to her chest realising that the next time they would meet would be on the other side.


    Title: Last Summer in Oz
    Author: mister_otter
    Rating: G
    Warning(s): Postwar, Au-ish
    Word Count: 375

    Draco strode onto the Astronomy Tower beneath a canopy of summer stars.

    “Is that a ring around Uranus or do you just startle easily?” he growled, blowing past a suitably confused Goyle, who was crouched over a telescope attempting to have a last look at the constellations before NEWTS.

    Unsure how to respond, Goyle clutched the seat of his trousers and scuttled for the stairs just as Hermione stepped from the shadows.

    “Shame, Draco,” she chided with gentle amusement. “He’s always been your friend.”

    “Old habits come in handy at times.” Draco shrugged. “I wanted to see you alone.” He walked toward her, eyes scanning her face intently. “I hear you are leaving.”

    “Yes. Hogwarts is repaired and summer’s at an end. It’s time.”

    No one had been more surprised than Hermione when Draco Malfoy volunteered to join a student team spending their summer restoring the battle-scarred castle. But as summer progressed, Hermione glimpsed signs of a very changed Draco--one whose quiet determination and impressive intelligence made him a rather charming force to be reckoned with.

    She’d found herself irresistibly drawn to this new Malfoy. For weeks, they danced around each other like the constellations wheeling overhead, their every move affected by the inexorable pull of each other’s presence.

    By summer’s end, Hermione felt a bit like someone who was ready to leave Oz, only to find she had fallen for its chief wizard.

    “Tonight is my last night,” she told Draco. “I’m returning to the Muggle world to attend university.”

    Draco’s eyes held hers, grey turning to green as moonlight reflected off his robes. Suddenly, he pulled an unresisting Hermione into his arms.

    ”Why go back?”

    “Because I belong there,” she replied, as her heart thudded out a thunderous negation. “And because… there’s no place like home.”

    “I beg to differ.” Draco tilted her chin, brushing her lips with his. “There is one place better, Hermione. It’s called us.”

    “Mmmm… does such a place actually exist?”

    ”Suppose I offer irrefutable proof -by giving you the key to that particular city. Would you accept it?”

    “Yes.” She felt a slow burn of joy ignite at the look in Draco’s eyes.

    ”It’s yours, then-- I love you, Hermione. Just open the door and you’re home”


    Title: Gifts from the Wizard
    Author: ayane_tsurugi
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None.
    Word Count: 375

    Hermione rubbed at her eyes, attempting to clear away the fatigue and annoyance swimming across her vision. This was her fourth night in a row working late into the night, and no matter how many different things she tried, she didn’t seem to be getting any closer to where she needed to be.

    Or any closer to home, which was certainly where she wanted to be.

    She checked her watch, and it was after midnight. Draco would be asleep already, she lamented, wishing for the thousandth time that it wasn’t her fault he had to do so alone so often.

    She tried to banish thoughts of her husband from her mind, but it was too late. After only a couple of seconds, she was lost in longing for the weekend, when the two of them would curl up together on the couch and watch muggle movies until they fell asleep.

    Or until Draco couldn’t keep his hands off her anymore, but she certainly didn’t need to start thinking about that.

    She focused her attention back on the parchment in front of her, filled to the edges with notes and figures, most of which would likely prove entirely useless, and sighed, letting her mind drift back to the bed that waited for her rather than asking herself, again, what had possessed her to become a Curse Breaker.

    The deepest parts of her mind recalled an image from an old movie of a pair of red slippers and a phrase that very much fit her mood: “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.”

    A peck on the window of her office shook her out of her reverie, and the owl she let in had a large parcel attached to its leg. Untying it, she pulled the parchment wrapping away to find a glittery, ruby red slipper inside. A note attached said, It’s a portkey, set to activate at fifteen after twelve. I’m waiting for you. Remember, love, there’s no place like home.

    She laughed aloud. “Cheeky, psychic bastard,” she whispered to no one, and checked her watch again. 12:14. Perfect.

    Magicking away her work, she let out a sigh of contented relief and touched a finger to the slipper just as the minute turned.


    Title: Home
    Author: lisiandapple
    Rating: G
    Warning(s): Maybe fluff.
    Word Count: 375, or so Word says :)

    The soft humming of birds could be heard from there, and I couldn't help to feel more relaxed and happy than I've been in years. I was at a small clearing in the woods near the cottage we had purchased. We had decided that living in the Manor was not an option, given the past of the house and all the terrible memories that were trapped within its walls. Despite all the changes made there, the many attempts at renovation, it was as if the air was tainted by an evil presence and we didn't want to stay there. There was also the matter of both of us having experienced most of the worst moments in our lives at that very place.

    Trying to shake the unpleasant memories and the sadness that always came with them, I began to reminisce our journey together, and all the place we had travelled so far. Mumbai held a special spot in my heart, and Rio also, and I couldn't help but remember the words of the poem, one of my mum's favourite:

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep
    But I have promises to keep
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

    She loved Robert Frost, and I had heard his words many times as a child, and surprisingly enjoyed it a lot. It seems that my life had been a long journey, starting with Hogwarts and going on from there, to the long travelling time with Harry and Ron searching for the Horcruxes and our "go around the world" period, with so many cities and experiences lived together, to this moment in which I felt finally at peace with the world, at the place I was supposed to be.

    I heard footsteps coming for the nearby path, and turned smiling to see Draco appear with a wolfish grin, a green blanket (always so Slytherin, and getting every opportunity to remind me of that fact) and a basket full of what I hoped would be a very good picnic. He asked playfully.

    "What are you thinking? You seemed to be having an epiphany here!"

    "Just that there's no place like home, and together, we finally had found it"

    "Yes, we did".


    Title: The Benefits of Over-Packing
    Author: bookishwench
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): a bit of innuendo
    Word Count: 375

    “We’re home,” Draco said blearily as he and Hermione staggered out of the fireplace at Malfoy Manor. “Thank Merlin.”

    Three seconds later a series of thuds announced the arrival of all ten pieces of their luggage.

    “Remind me again why we went on holiday?” Draco asked her.

    “To relax,” she said as she sprawled on the floor.

    “So why the hell are we so exhausted we can’t walk to the other side of the room?” he asked, sitting on a footstool and looking like he wanted to remain there the rest of his life.

    “Jet lag… err, floo lag,” Hermione said. “Or maybe the trouble we had after drinking the water.”

    “Or the constant chanting in the streets during that period of civil unrest,” Draco added.

    “Or our hotel mattress that seemed to be made of Petrified Blast-Ended Skrewts,” Hermione threw in.

    “Or the indigestion from eating that stuff two nights ago,” Draco said. “What was that anyway?”

    “I have no idea,” she said, “but I won’t be eating it again, ever, at any time.”

    Draco grunted agreement, staring morosely at the luggage.

    “Did you wear even half of that stuff?” he asked.

    “No, and neither did you,” she said defensively.

    Suddenly, Hermione slowly lifted her head, and Draco noticed a look of wicked, albeit tired, realization dawning on her features. Groaning, she rolled over and she undid the clasp on one of the bags and began rooting through it.

    “Tell me you didn’t buy that ugly reproduction of that art thing that looked like something a toddler drew with catsup,” Draco said.

    “No. Well, yes, but that’s not what I’m looking for,” Hermione said, continuing to rummage. “Found it!”

    She pulled out a nearly transparent black-lace teddy and tiny matching knickers. Draco abruptly felt much less tired.

    “That’s definitely something you didn’t get around to wearing,” he said, grinning.

    “Shall I save it for the next holiday?” she asked innocently.

    “Yeah, and that would be the holiday we’re taking right now, upstairs, in the bedroom,” he said, running across the room, lifting his giggling wife off the floor, slinging her (and the lingerie) over his shoulder, and dashing up the stairs with surprising vigor.

    Both of them agreed: there was no place like home.


    Title: Two Truths and a Lie
    Author: greenschist
    Rating: PG-13
    Warning(s): None
    Word Count: 375 per Word, including dash marks

    Hermione stopped kissing Draco long enough to pant, "This city has many fine restaurants."

    "Room service," he muttered, giving her throat his attention.

    "There are also museums." She gasped and twisted her head against the pillow when he found the sensitive spot behind her ear.

    "Going would mean getting dressed, right?" Draco tossed the sheet off the end of the bed. "I'm opposed to that plan."

    Unselfconscious, Hermione stretched, enjoying his gaze on her body. She cupped his face and drew him down. "Aren't you interested in historic architecture?" She laughed when he snorted against her breast. "Awe-inspiring scenery?" He laid a trail of kisses down her body and she quivered beneath him.

    "The view from here is great, thanks." He crossed his hands over her stomach and rested his chin there. "I love you, you know."

    "I know." Suddenly overcome, Hermione touched his face. "I thought we'd never have this again. Being with you again is indescribable." She traced his lips with her fingertips. "It's like coming home."

    "Well, then." Draco smiled. "Welcome home, Hermione." He kissed her belly again, tongue tracing patterns on her skin, lower, lower, low-

    Ron and George's laughter hit Hermione like ice water.

    "What? Where?" She looked around wildly until Ron put a steadying hand on her leg.

    "Merlin!" George pressed his hands against his eyes. "A man should not know what his sister-in-law's sex face looks like. I'm off to bleach my eyeballs." George dodged the apron Ron, still laughing, threw at his head and disappeared into the store's backroom.

    "It wasn't real?" Hermione whispered, looking down at the empty box and torn red wrapper with the WWW logo in her lap. Memories flooded her with sudden clarity: a new product…a Holiday in a Box…a "Romantic Getaway with the Wizard of your Dreams." She crushed the packaging in her fists and blinked hard to clear tears from her eyes.

    Ron picked Hermione up off the counter and set her on her feet. "Was it realistic?"

    Hermione pressed her lips together and nodded.


    She nodded again.

    "Where did we go?" He chuckled. "I mean, assuming I'm the man of your dreams, of course."

    Hermione hugged him and hid her face against his collar. "Who else would it be?"


    Title: Home is Where the Heart Is
    Author: alexajohnson
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None
    Word Count: 375

    It’s been a long few months of traveling to flush out remaining strongholds of Voldemort supporters in Europe with Draco, and she’s glad they’ve been successful but she’s not ready for the journey to end.

    She’s not ready to leave him.

    “Draco,” she begins, and realizes she’s not quite ready to say what she needs to, and not quite ready to hear his response.

    He’s looking at her expectantly, and she knows that she’s only putting off the inevitable. It’s best to get this over with so she can start moving on.

    “You’ve paid your dues to the Order,” she finally manages, “and have given us the information we needed, have even traveled the world and put your life at risk. You’re free to go home, start a new life with your mother. No one would think any less of you.”

    He reaches up to brush a wayward strand of hair out of her face and she closes her eyes, wishes this moment could last.

    “I’ve learned what’s really important, working with you,” he says, and something in his tone makes her open her eyes and look at him to see him wearing any expression she’s never seen before.

    There’s an intensity in his gray eyes that almost frightens her, and he continues softly, “I am home, Hermione. And as much as I love my mother, I’m in love with you, and I want to share my life with you.”

    Her mouth falls open in shock, because of all the things she’d been expecting, this hadn’t even made the bottom of the list, and she’s so overwhelmed with happiness that she’s not immediately sure where to start.

    And even though he must be nervous, he’s smirking at her. “If I’d known that’s all it would have taken to make you speechless, I would’ve said that months ago.”

    She gasps a laugh of relief, throwing her arms around him. “I just-never thought I’d hear you say that.”

    “And?” he questions, the smirk slipping just slightly as a bit of uncertainty sneaks into his voice.

    “I’ve fallen in love with you too,” she whispers, pressing her lips to his.

    When they finally break apart, she can’t stop smiling. Neither can he.

    “It’s good to be home.”


    PROMPT #1: Please vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT the title. We MUST have both a Most and Least Favorite vote from every voter. IF not, your vote will be disqualified.

    PROMPT #2: Please vote for the LETTER of the drabble, NOT the title. We MUST have both a Most and Least Favorite vote from every voter. IF not, your vote will be disqualified.

    NOTE: We will have winners and mod’s choice for both prompts, as well as the overall winners of the Rumble. Good luck!


    NOW, for voters! If you’d like to participate in our side challenge this round, in a screened comment, please rank the 3 drabbles YOU think will place in the top 3. PLEASE use the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT the title.

    You may also leave feedback for each drabble if you'd like. This will be helpful for the participants as they continue through this challenge. Since no one will be eliminated, writers will be able to use their feedback to improve week to week. Thank you!

    PROMPT #1
    Top 3 Drabbles:

    PROMPT #2
    Top 3 Drabbles:

    Here's your boarding pass for A Trip Around the World
    Click the Pass to Read & Vote!
    This Week's destination: Lyon, France, then HOME!
    Voting Ends Wednesday, December 9th at Midnight EST (GMT -4)

    To Get this Pretty for your Journal - Spread the Drabble Love!" target="blank">">

    Here's your boarding pass for A Trip Around the World
    Click the Pass to Read & Vote!
    This Week's destination: Lyon, France, then HOME!
    Voting Ends Wednesday, December 9th at Midnight EST (GMT -4)

  • round 5, voting

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