Round 3, GRAND FINALE: The Screening

Apr 25, 2009 20:51

Grab a soda and some popcorn, movie fans … It’s time for the GRAND FINALE screening!

Take a walk down the red carpet in your smashing formal attire - be sure to wave and smile for the cameras, because it's a wonderful life, folks!

A couple of things to remember when deciding which drabbles to vote for (most and least favorite):


  1. Which drabble best incorporates the prompt?
  2. Is the drabble clever, different, fresh? Does it evoke an emotional response (good or bad)?
  3. Does the drabble contain grammar, canon or spelling errors?
  4. The movies merely serve as inspiration for the prompts. The requirements and theme are most important.

As a voter, you have the option of leaving a brief statement about why you voted the way you did, for both most and least favorite. Your feedback will then be given to the drabble writer (if they want the feedback) ANONYMOUSLY.

Example: Most - #40: the ending was brilliant - OR - Least - #57: the ending fell flat

Please remember writers, that you may not vote for yourselves.

Here we go for the GRAND FINALE!

Choose your favorite and least favorite drabbles. Favorites will receive +1 point per vote, and least favorites -1 point per vote.

Voting ends at 11:59pm, Tuesday,April 28th.

Grand Finale


Scene (inspirational movie): It's a Wonderful Life
Action (must include): 250 words EXACTLY, Draco's PoV.
Theme (additional information): Gratitude


Title: The Toast
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 250

Draco stood, champagne glass raised. He hadn’t planned on saying anything, but Hermione had just agreed to share her life with him, for better or for worse, and he was in a rather fantastic mood.

“I’d like to thank a few people,” he began once the crowd quieted. “Some of them … I never thought I’d willingly be in the same room with, but without whom this moment might not be possible.”

He took a deep breath, glanced at his bride, and continued. “First, my thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Granger, whose decision to procreate assured my eternal happiness.”

Hermione’s parents chuckled.

“To the Weasleys, for folding Hermione into your family and showing her all the good in the wizarding world. I’ve learned from your generosity.”

George whooped from a nearby table.

“To Ron. For loving her and being man enough to admit you were better off as friends, leaving her heart-broken enough to consider a date with me.”

Ron turned red but smiled anyway.

“Harry. Thank you for loving her as a sister, for supporting her, encouraging her, building her up.”

Harry lifted his glass and nodded.

Draco turned to his wife. “Hermione ….” He smirked. “I will demonstrate my appreciation for you later tonight. For a long, long time.”

She blushed, gasped, and hid her face, winking saucily at him. Again, George whooped and hollered.

“Finally,” said Draco, his eyes landing on his parents. “Father, Mother … Thanks for the honeymoon.” Everyone laughed. “Thank you all for coming. Enjoy the buffet.”


Title: Botany or Anatomy?
Rating: PG
Warnings: implied nudity and one naughty word
Word Count: 250

No Malfoy has ever needed help. However, none of my ancestors was trapped starkers inside a hydrangea. Sprout sent me to greenhouse ten, and when I got here this demented plant ripped my clothes off and pulled me into its branches. It also knocked my wand out the window, so I’m helpless. This day can’t get worse.

“Draco? Where are you?”

I stand corrected.

“Get out, Granger!” I yell.

Too late. She’s already noticed my pants hanging off the crossbeams.

“Are you… um, alone?” she says.

“Just me and this extremely randy bush!” I finally admit.

“That’s Hydrangealis Aphroditus,” she says, snickering. “Considering the entire class is coming here in five minutes, you’ve got a problem.”

“You’re joking,” I say, going cold, and the bush pinches my backside.

“No. I just finished my work sooner. They’re on their way,” she says, grinning evilly.

This is the stuff of nightmares! Okay, there’s obviously only one thing to do.

“Hermione, will you please help me?” I ask, humiliated.

Her grin fades, and then, thank Merlin, she stupefies the plant and summons my clothes. Averting her gaze, she hangs them on the bush and turns around. I dress quickly, and the second I’m done both houses walk in the door.

I slip into the group, but I manage to catch Hermione’s eye. Checking no one is looking, I mouth the words “thank you.”

She smiles, looks left and right, then her lips form the words, “nice arse.”

I’m going to kill that plant.


Title: The Best Way to Count Your Blessings in Fifteen Minutes or Less
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Word Count: 250

I'm the luckiest man alive. No, seriously.

After all, I'm married to Hermione, and our brilliant, slightly scary children are quietly playing outside.

See? I'm lucky.

I corner Hermione in the kitchen, trying to unclog the sink, from the looks of things. She's luscious, perched on her knees on the counter next to the sink, wearing those shorts-the shorts that used to be jeans until she took a severing charm to them. It's good to be me.

She forces the plunger up and down and every inch of her jiggles.

"Draco," she gasps, her curvy little butt bouncing on her heels, "is it draining?"

There's a bone-dry bucket below the sink. "Why not use a charm?"

She keeps bouncing and I keep enjoying it. "This clog is beyond magic."

I nod, knowing better than to suggest one of her household charms failed. Instead, I put one hand over hers on the plunger. "The kids are outside," I say meaningfully when she stares at me. I give her my best sultry expression.

"You want to…now?" She's disbelieving, as if she doesn't know what those shorts do to me.

"We have a good fifteen minutes until someone breaks a bone or sets something on fire."

"That's optimistic." She tries to tug the plunger away from me. "We don't have time."

"Nonsense. If we skip foreplay, I can be done in five minutes."

She laughs. "That's an enticement." And I seize the chance kiss her open mouth and swallow her laughter down.


Scene (inspirational movie): Your Choice - freestyle. (Can even be one of the movies already used this round, as long as your drabble is DIFFERENT)
Action (must include): Title of Movie you choose must be title of drabble.
Theme (additional information): Work in a favorite line from the same movie as dialogue.


Title: A Little Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 499
AN: Draco's last line is taken from the 1979 movie of the same title.

Hermione loathed Venice by her third day there as a liaison for the Ministry. Completely besotted couples were everywhere she looked. She’d never felt more alone.

On her fourth morning, she bought espresso at a tiny restaurant. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the coffee’s strong aroma, but when she opened them she wondered if the steam was clouding her vision. Across the square, she saw a glint of blond in the sunlight. She looked away quickly, but Draco was headed right for her.

“Buongiorno,” he said, sitting at her table.

She sighed, but part of her felt relieved she wasn’t sitting alone. Draco nodded at the waiter, who immediately brought him coffee as though he were a regular.

“I’ve been here for months working on Father’s assets,” Draco said, answering her unasked question.

“Why can’t he do that himself?” she said as he added obscene amounts of sugar to his coffee.

“He died two years ago,” Draco said.

“I’m… I’m sorry,” she said, mortified. “I didn’t know.”

“No reason you should,” Draco said.

Hermione felt horribly awkward. She hadn’t seen him in years and had no idea how to behave with him.

“Been in Venice long?” he asked.

“Why do you care?” she asked, then grimaced. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. It’s just… well, why do you?”

Draco paused, cup suspended, thinking over his answer.

“Would it be odd to say I think I’ve missed you but didn’t realize it until now?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said, “but I know what you mean.”

Somehow they came to an understanding. Every morning they sat at the same table, and after three weeks Hermione realized her breakfasts with Draco were the center of her day. But that was about to change. She’d finished her Ministry assignment and was being called home. Trying not to spoil their remaining time, she waited to tell him.

“When?” he asked.

“Tomorrow,” she said, looking away.

She had no reason to think these mornings were anything special for him, but Hermione recognized the feeling of her heart breaking. When she looked at him again, his expression was troubled but he quickly smiled, taking her hand. She’d planned to finish packing, but as he guided her to her feet, all her protests vanished. They explored the city together; however, when the shadows began to lengthen, Hermione knew she should leave.

“Have you taken a gondola ride yet?” he asked.

“I haven’t had time,” she said.

He led her to an open gondola. Their gondolier grinned knowingly while the boat glided through the canals. The sky turned deep rose as they approached an ornate bridge. Hermione noticed Draco looking at her nervously.

“There is an old Venetian legend that says if two lovers kiss in a gondola under the Bridge of Sighs at sunset when the bells of the campanile toll, they will love each other forever,” he said.

At that moment the carillons began to peal, and when their lips touched, Hermione believed him.


Title: Say Anything
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word Count: 596

"It's a good thing we didn't open these gifts before we left for the honeymoon." Hermione climbed up off the floor and onto the couch next to Draco. "I just don't know what to say."

"Well, I do." Draco wadded a handful of gilt wrapping paper into a ball and threw it at the photograph of Hermione, Harry, and Ron on the mantle. The paper bounced harmlessly off the heavy frame. "Your friends are utter-"

Hermione covered his mouth with her hand. "Don't say it, please." She left her hand in place until she felt Draco relax and kiss her palm. Crossing one leg over his body, Hermione shifted until she straddled his lap. Cupping his jaw and kissing him in return, she sighed as his hands slid underneath the faded "Slytherins Do It with Ambition" t-shirt she had appropriated from his closet not long after they started dating. "I'm sure Harry and Ron mean well," she whispered against his lips.

She was pushed off his lap before she could blink.

"They mean well?" Draco began rummaging through the opened presents next to the couch. "What's so well-meaning about this book Weasley gave you?" He held up a copy of When Good Witches Love Bad Wizards by Healer Hester Grim. On the cover, a sorrowful witch burst into tears over and over.

"He also gave me a very useful book on household spells and a study of the oral history traditions among house elves." She gestured weakly toward the book in her husband's hands. "That author is receiving a lot of publicity right now, on the WWW and everything. Perhaps Ron just heard of her and thought I would be interested. Draco? What's wrong?" Draco had opened the book and looked absolutely furious.

"He bought you a ticket to her "get over that bad boy and get on with life" seminar." He held up the ticket but kept his eyes on the book. "Weasley also wrote a touching inscription here." He cleared his throat and Hermione felt her heart sink. "Hermione, I'm here if you need me. Love you, Ron.'" He closed the book with a snap and stared at her expectantly.

Hermione plucked the ticket from his hand and tore it in half. "Ron is very protective, that's all. It's his nature."

"Much like Potter, who gave you that portable fellytone."

Hermione squirmed uncomfortably. "It's a mobile telephone, and it's a nice gift."

"Not if he gives it to you with the idea that you'll need a way to call for help if my evil family prevents you from contacting him with magic." Draco found the mobile under a box and tossed it onto the sofa next to Hermione.

"Your family's not evil. Not completely." He gave her his darkest look and she smiled. "Come on, Draco. You're being quite hard on my friends. I could say a thing or two about your parents, but I'm not."

"My parents gave us this wonderful house for an engagement present!"

"Yes, and they covered it with Muggle-repelling charms. My parents drove around for hours trying to find us. Whenever my father came close, he'd make a wrong turn." She took his hand. "You know they would be happy if you and my parents were never in the same room. We both knew it would be difficult for our friends and families to accept our marriage."

Draco sputtered before blurting, "Nobody thinks it will work, do they?"

"No." She brought his hand to her lips and kissed his wedding ring. "You just described every great success story."


Title: The Village
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 599
Disclaimer: Lines taken directly from “The Village.” Snippits also taken from “Superman,” “Stardust,” and “Pride & Prejudice” (2005).
Note: To you-know-who cuz you-know-why.

They were in the middle of another glorious row. She was stunning, her cheeks pink, lips red, and eyes blazing. The mischievous side of him loved seeing her angry because it was then when she was most unguarded. Pieces of her very soul were visible.

After a few minutes of shouting, he noticed tears in her eyes. He’d never seen her cry during a fight before, and something hit him like a Bludger to the gut.

This was it. The big IT.

Part of his mind disengaged from the argument. The night had started out well. They’d gone to dinner, then strolled through Diagon Alley, finally returning to her place for dessert. He’d known something was bothering her the moment he saw her, but he’d said nothing.

Then, as she was pulling down bowls in which to serve ice cream, he’d said something insensitive, chauvinistic, or rude-he couldn’t even remember which-and she’d lit into him. Only it was different this time, evinced by her tears. She was deciding, at that moment, RIGHT NOW, that she didn’t want to be with him anymore. He could see it behind her eyes, hear it in her voice. Everything in her manner was laced with defeat.

She was about to give up on them.

Dread clenched Draco’s heart at the thought. He mentally berated himself for being so bloody stubborn and self-important. He knew he’d been responsible for most of their disagreements, that he liked to press her buttons to get a reaction from her. Pushing her to the edge was exciting, dangerous; Hermione was unpredictable. She was just as likely to hex him as kiss him.

A second realization slammed into him, almost knocking the breath from his lungs. He loved her. He loved her! He wanted to kiss her tears away, tell her he was sorry for being an unmitigated arse, and devote himself entirely to her.

He’d stopped fighting, and she eventually noticed. They stared at each other, thick tension between them.

“Why, Draco?” she whispered. “Why can you not say what is in your head? This … isn’t working. We aren’t working, because you aren’t trying! What happened to the man who fought for me, the man who promised to leap tall buildings for me? I think he cared about me a lot more than you do.” A lone tear fell down her lovely cheek. “I miss him.”

He bowed his head in shame. “I’m sorry.”

“About what?” she demanded, angrily wiping the tear away.

“For failing you.” He couldn’t force another syllable through his pain-constricted throat. A thick lump had settled there, making breathing almost impossible.

She gazed imploringly at him for a moment, then sniffed. “Is that it? Is that all you have to say?”

“What good is it to tell you that you are in my every thought from the time I wake?” he murmured. “What good can come from my saying that I sometimes cannot think clearly or do my work properly? You’ve already decided.”

He could see that his words had poked a hole through her defenses.

“Then change my mind,” she said.

Draco stood at a cross-road. Loving her was as terrifying as the thought of being without her. He still hadn’t processed his newly-realized feelings, much less had time to plot a course of action.

This was IT, though.

“Hermione, my heart is yours.” He took her hand. “I love you. Please don’t give up on me yet.”

Time stopped; an eternity passed as he waited.

Then she took a deep, cleansing breath and entwined her fingers with his. “Okay.”


REMEMBER: Vote for the NUMBER of the drabble, NOT THE NAME. It just makes it easier on the mods!

Grand Finale writers are NOT allowed to vote.

Please leave both a MOST favorite and a LEAST favorite vote. We must have both in order for your votes to count.

Poll R 3 Grand Finale

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