Round 2 Poll Results

Sep 09, 2008 18:13

Thank you for your patience.

First off: Drabbles are due in just under 30 hours! GET 'EM IN!

As for the poll. It's clear what the community prefers, and that is to use a beta rather than no one. However, the opinion on HOW we do this is too wide-ranging to reach a consensus that works and makes everyone happy.


We had someone offer to beta for the community, for any of you who do not already use a beta. If you'd like her email address, comment to this post and we will give it to you.

Then, If you use a beta or reader, for the sake of a level playing field, we ask that you keep it to one.

We apologize if this offended anyone or made it seem uncomfortably competitive or formal - that was not our intent. We only want this to be fun and fair for everyone, and we hope this will settle the matter. After all, as Mr. Floo reminded me, the internet is seriouz biznesz. :)

Happy writing!
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