Round 2 Poll

Sep 06, 2008 14:25

An issue has come to our attention that we feel should be brought to the community.

We, the mods, have never made a clear statement about a participant using a beta for his or her drabble. With the recent comments about how grammar affects the way people vote, we feel this issue needs addressing.

Our dilemma is this: not everyone has a beta, or someone they can turn to for help with their drabble. While some participants are regular writers, others aren't. Access to beta help isn't a guaranteed thing, and not everyone may know how to go about getting that help.

Using a beta, especially beyond grammar/punctuation/spelling corrections, puts that participant at an advantage. Also, once the drabble is sent out, then the beta has insight into the voting phase, which also gives that participant a potential advantage.

Basically, we want either everyone to have access to a beta, or no one. We want a level playing field.

That said, if you have used a beta, or had someone look over your drabble, it's okay because we never said anything either way. But after this poll, we will have a set rule and we hope everyone abides by it.

If you have a suggestion that isn't in the poll, please leave it in a screened comment. Keep in mind we are trying to find a solution that will be fair to everyone, no matter where they are in the writing stages.


Voting will go for 48 hours, ending at 2:45 pm EST Monday, September 8. Please remember not to use a beta until the results are finalized. Thank you!

poll, round 2

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