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Jul 19, 2008 23:33

Grand Finale Challenge: Nineteen Years Later

All hail floorcoaster, the winner of Round One at dramione_ldws


And our runner-up is miyabita13 !

Note from Floo: We’ll be taking a few weeks off before the next round.
Thanks to everyone who participated this time,
whether you were in the challenge or voted!
We couldn’t have done it without you!
Be sure to join or watch the comm for info on Round 2.

Also, thanks to pokeystar for helping out this week! She’s my new co-mod for future rounds,
and I’m very excited about working with her!

Huge thanks to janaparmajana for the excellent graphics!
I really appreciate your work, and the banners are just lovely!

Note from Pokey: Huge thanks to both addicted2draco, for starting us off with a bang ,
and floorcoaster for keeping us on track.
Also, janaparmajana, your graphics rock!

To everyone who took the time to read and vote, you are AWESOME!
Winning is great, but lots of readers?


Tell your friends, tell you enemies, tell your frenemies! We’ll be starting Round Two in August!

finale, round 1, results

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