Grand Finale Voting Round of ldws

Jul 17, 2008 08:16

Below are the drabbles for week 10, the last week in Round 1 of dramione_ldws!

Vote only for your favorite drabble. The drabble with the most points wins.

Voting will end: 11:59pm, Friday July 18, East Coast US Time (GMT -4)


Title: Parent-Teacher Conference
Author: miyabita13
Rating: R
Word Count: 499
Warnings: None

Transfiguration Professor Hermione Granger looked at the clock. It was ridiculous. She was a grown woman, approaching her late thirties, and she was nervous over Draco bloody Malfoy. She dealt with irate parents on a regular basis. She could handle Malfoy... right?

There was a knock on her door.

"Come in.”

Malfoy entered, giving a polite nod before closing the door behind him.

Why did he have to look so good in green?

"Have a seat, Mr. Malfoy," she said.

"Granger, it's been awhile. Excuse me... Professor Granger. Your letter was rather... vague. What seems to be the trouble… Professor?" Dirty thoughts of him entered her mind. That did it. When she went back to her rooms she was officially burning all the trashy romance novels her mother had given her.

"Are you all right, Professor? You seem a little flushed."

She cleared her throat. "I asked you here today because of your son's behavior. Some of his professors, myself included, find him to be a distraction to many of the females during class, what with his openly flirtatious nature."

"I wasn't aware that flirting was a crime."

"It is when I cannot teach my class because half the girls are making doe eyes at him."

Malfoy chuckled. "Would that look be similar to the one you’re wearing now... Professor?"

"Mr. Malfoy," she started, but he was up and towering over her.

"Why don't you tell me more about these incidents, Professor?"

"I think it best you sit down."

And he did... on her desk.

"Mr. Malfoy, this is hardly appropriate."

His eyes sparkled. "My apologies, Professor. What would you suggest as a fitting punishment?"

"For you?" she blurted, clasping a hand to her mouth in shock.

"Why, Professor," Malfoy chastised, "I was talking about a punishment for my son." He leaned over so that his lips were next to her ear. "But it seems you've picked out a punishment for me instead?"

He was close... so bloody close. And, oh, what was his tongue doing darting around her ear like that? Her breath caught in her throat as he dropped hot, open-mouthed kisses along her throat.

"Professor... your recommendation?"

Oh hell. She'd never been able to resist those eyes.

"Detention," she gasped, "in my office. My desk... needs cleaning."

"I might be able to help you with that."

An hour later found them naked on top of her desk, papers strewn across the floor. She looked at the clock as he bent down to lick her breasts.

"Mr. Malfoy, I'm afraid I must cut this meeting short. I have class in ten minutes."

Another lick that made her moan. "That's a shame, Professor. We never did finish talking about my son's behavior."

"You're right. Perhaps we could make another appointment, Mr. Malfoy? Sometime tonight? My rooms... the bed is in dire need of cleaning."

"I suppose that's acceptable... Professor."

"Good. Full marks if you do a thorough job."

He grinned. "That's the only kind of job I do."


Title: What Dreams May Come
Author: floorcoaster
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 499

Lightning flashes, thunder cracks, and Draco Malfoy sits straight up in bed. His breathing is labored and sweat lines his brow. Another flash startles him, and he glances at the space beside his on the bed. She’s there, sleeping peacefully, her thick, luscious curls spread over the pillow.

He breathes a shaky sigh of relief and climbs out of bed. Quietly, he pads to the bathroom, shutting the door before flicking on the light. Draco goes to the mirror and pulls his sweaty fringe back from his forehead, staring in earnest at the line where his hair begins, scrutinizing it closely for several moments. It’s the same as it was the night before, and he exhales heavily, leaning against the sink.

Then he turns on the faucet and splashes cold water on his face, trying to rid himself of the dream-nightmare, really-that had felt far too real.

His nerves are still unsteady as he returns to bed. Crawling under the covers, he snakes his arms around her and pulls her flush against him, spooning his body around hers and burying his face in her hair.

She stirs. “Draco?”

“I had a bad dream.” His voice is muffled.

She snuggles closer. “I’m sorry. Tell me?”

It’s almost too horrible to think about, but he needs to hear her reassure him it wasn’t real.

“It was awful,” he mutters. “You… You were married to Weasley.”

“Oh, Draco,” she breathes, turning in his arms to face him. Lovingly, she traces the lines of his face. “It was just a dream. I’m right here.”

“There’s more,” he says. “You had two children with him. Rose and Hugo. You didn’t look happy.”

She smiles. “You’re very perceptive in your dreams.”

“I was there, too,” he continues. “It was a different version of today. We were at Platform 9 ¾, seeing our kids off to Hogwarts. I was also married.”

She stiffens slightly. “Really?”

He shudders. “To Astoria Greengrass.”

Hermione gasps. “Her?”

“I know!” he exclaims. “Never in a million years…. Worse yet: we’d named our son Scorpius.”

Slowly she smiles again, then bites her lip, mirth dancing in her eyes. Then she laughs, unable to hold it in. “Scorpius?”

Draco scowls. “Must’ve been her idea.”

Hermione kisses him lightly on the lips. “Is that all?”

“No,” he admits, avoiding her eyes.

“What else?” she presses.

Draco hesitates. “I was starting to lose my hair. At thirty-seven! It’s preposterous!”

She bursts out at that, not bothering to try and hide it.

“Stop,” he mumbles, trying to feign injury but failing. Gradually, he smiles and then chuckles with her. It feels good to laugh, the startling reality of the dream already faded. It really was ridiculous.

Hermione lightly threads her fingers through his hair. “Forget the dream, Draco. It wasn’t real. Our three beautiful children are safely tucked in their beds at Hogwarts. I’m right here, and I always will be.”

He smiles and pulls her to him. “And I’ll never let you go.”


A/N: Title comes from a movie of the same name.


PLEASE vote with the NUMBER of the drabble, not the name. :)

Poll There Can Be Only One

This is the grand finale, people! Be sure to pimp it everywhere I haven’t (lol)!

finale, round 1, voting

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