
Jul 14, 2006 23:50

Hi there, I was just wondering if you guys knew of any D/Hr fics where Hermione turns pure blood but still maintains her beliefs, views and personality. I know a lot of people believe these types of stories to be cliche but I feel a really big urge to read one! I've read a few... such as "My sweet Hermione" and a few others here and there.. but I'd really love to read any more if you know about them.

Also, does anyone know of some good fics where Hermione is dying? As in, she has a long term illness and Draco begrudgingly takes care of her? I watched a walk to remember the other day (haha) and I just wondered if there was a fic out there where there was a fic about this, D/Hr style. I've read "A Secret Thought" already and I adored it, so perhaps there are more that I don't know about? Thanks!

I would try to look for more of the fics myself, but this fandom is so incredibly huge... I thought maybe some of you could help a newbie out! Thanks:D

request: fic recs (illness), request: fic recs (pureblood!hermione)

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