You Could Be Happy

Sep 10, 2007 18:20

Title: You Could Be Happy
Author: a_bees_buzz
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: It all belongs to JKR
Summary: Standing on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, Draco wonders if he made the right decision. Note: This story attempts to right the wrongs perpetrated on our favourite characters in the epilogue to DH. If you lurved the epilogue, you won't like it.
A/N: A while ago, I offered to write ficlets for icons. One of the requests was for a Dramione songfic, based on the song You Could Be Happy by Snow Patrol. I've since expanded it into a new, four-part story. Chapters One and Two are both finished and posted.

You Could Be Happy

fic post, rating: pg-13

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