Quirks in shipping

Sep 10, 2007 13:52

(I posted a version of this to my journal, but I thought I'd throw this question out to y'all!)

So, I came to the HP world via the D/Hr ship. Thus, I probably will always think of it as "primary" - i.e. big, important, dominant, etc. However, it's starting to seem that this is less the case than I initially thought, particularly now that I've migrated to Snape/Hr. I still have a lot of D/Hr fics that I've written, but I find that they're far less popular, in terms of hit count, than my newer Snape/Hr ones. Which kind of makes me sad. Admittedly, this might all be because of the sites I choose to post at - mainly SH and TPP, rather than ColouredGrey or anything, where I'm sure Snape/Hr wouldn't go down so great! I think it's interesting that certain archives, even when they don't have specific ship guidelines, become bastions for one ship or another. For example, SH does separate things out into categories of ships, but it has a separate Snape/Hr archive whilst D/Hr only appears in the broader "Malfoy" category. So does this mean that the Snape/Hr community is just bigger, or are all the D/Hr-ers just hiding elsewhere? Like here!

So, here's the question. Do you fellow D/Hr-lovers only read on the specifically D/Hr sites? If so, why? If you read on more 'general' sites do you find that you mainly run into stuff already posted on specifically D/Hr sites, or do you run into new things? I'm just curious to find out what you guys think about this! It was just something me and one of the gals I beta for have been talking about!


Angel Mischa

discussions, discussion: ship participation

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