Because this is the best meta I've seen in a long time. And. I need entertainment. Slightly edited to include just the meta and things that weren't around it. For a non-character, Stokes is so much fun to play with.
Nomed Cinubi: - Heaven
kaesa: ! JD! It's the DoM Super Pack!
kaesa: ::has those mints, too::
midhenaer: Haha
midhenaer: Stokes: ::raids caffeine::
kaesa: Croaker: NO MINE!
kaesa: Croaker: ::growls menacingly::
midhenaer: Stokes: I'll fight you for it.
midhenaer: Stokes: Er.
kaesa: Croaker: I'll cut your pay for it.
kaesa: Croaker: Very well, then. ::cheerful:: I win. Good game. ::takes::
midhenaer: Stokes: Can you cut that small of a number?
kaesa: Croaker: Of course I can.
Nomed Cinubi: Hmm... *Steals caffeine back*
kaesa: Croaker: After all, we can always just pay you every other week.
kaesa: Croaker: !!!
kaesa: Croaker: ::pursues JD:: STOKES, SAVE OUR CAFFEINE!
kaesa: Croaker: I'll raise your pay.
midhenaer: Stokes: What the bloody fuck am I supposed to do?
midhenaer: Stokes: ...Excuse me?
kaesa: Croaker: I dunno.
kaesa: Croaker: Just do it, all right?
duchessdollydot: Corinne: ::can not stand zis disgusting scene::
kaesa: Croaker: Pffeh.
Nomed Cinubi: *Finishes off caffeine*
kaesa: Croaker: NOOO!
midhenaer: Stokes: ...
kaesa: Croaker: IT'S GOOOOONE!
Nomed Cinubi: *explodes from caffeine overload*
kaesa: Croaker: Haha.
midhenaer: Stokes: ...Well I guess we won't have to worry about seeing him again.
Nomed Cinubi: *Reforms*
Nomed Cinubi: Whoah... what a rush
midhenaer: Stokes: ::realizes he'll have to fill out the death certificate:: Damn.