Spamming the friend pages of those that love me...

Apr 09, 2002 16:57

LOTR character quiz (sorry, no nifty graphics for this one)

# 1 Galadriel
# 2 Faramir
# 3 Samwise Gamgee (Sam)
# 4 Theoden
# 5 Aragorn (Strider)
# 6 Elrond
# 7 Eomer
# 8 Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry)
# 9 Peregrin Took (Pippin)
# 10 Tom Bombadil
# 11 Treebeard (Fangorn)
# 12 Denethor
# 13 Gandalf Mithrandir
# 14 Legolas
# 15 Lord of the Nazgul (Witch-King of Angmar)
# 16 Sauron
# 17 Barliman Butterbur
# 18 Bilbo Baggins
# 19 Boromir
# 20 Eowyn (My favorite!)
# 21 Saruman
# 22 Frodo Baggins
# 23 Grima Wormtongue
# 24 Gimli
# 25 Gollum (Smeagol)


meme sheep

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