June Prompt/024 Five Theme Drabbles/Lilah Morgan

Jun 01, 2007 23:01

Title: Five Times Lilah Redeemed Herself (at least according to her)
Prompt number/Prompt: 024/Five Theme Drabbles
Character/Fandom: Lilah Morgan/AtS
Word Count: ~850
Rating: R
Warning(s): None
Summary: Think the title explains it ;)


When the windows of the Hyperion blew out, Lilah found herself stepping back. There was a look on Bethany’s face and Lilah didn’t have to be a mind reader to know the teenage girl was upset with her. Lilah had been the person the young girl had confined in and the lawyer had used the information for her own means.

Lilah didn’t want to care. She’d done what the firm asked her to do - take Bethany under her wing and find out what made the teenager lose control of her telekinesis. And Lilah had.

After walking down the stairs, Angel’s eyes on her, Lilah turned and listened as Bethany told the vampire about all the things her father had done to her. For Lilah, it was almost like hearing her own struggles with her mother.

A small pang of guilt ran through her body and, after Bethany had told Angel about going to live with relatives in Tulsa, Lilah walked out of the hotel and pulled out her cell phone.

“Charlie? I need a one-way, first class ticket to Tulsa,” she said, swearing to herself she wasn’t going soft.


The makeup wouldn’t cover the bruises and Lilah didn’t want to go to work looking weak. It’d been hard enough for her to sneak out of the building after Gavin had attacked her. She didn’t know what had prompted the attack until Cordy showed up and told her.

Lilah hated that bitch.

But, after some calls, Lilah had found out she was right. The man she’d had a hand in releasing from his prison in hell was causing males to lose all sense and attack women. Billy’s blood had caused Gavin to attack her and caused other men to do the same to innocent women.

With the metal of the gun pressing against her thigh, she drove through the city until she arrived at the private airport. She stood for a brief moment and watched before lifting the gun and killing Billy.

And, as Cordy and Angel stared at her, Lilah turned and walked back to her car. They weren’t going to view her as a complete monster.


The hole in the sewer had became her home. Every time Lilah thought of going back to her apartment, she stopped. The shaman she’d visited had warned her about the Beast. It would find her if she continued to make herself known so she stayed in the sewer.

When word came of Angelus’ return, she found herself seeking him out. The visit was short and she ran, knowing Wes would eventually find her. And when he did, the conversation seemed to fit them.

Lilah knew what he needed and she knew she had it. Picking up the book, she handed it to him, not expecting a thank you out of the deal. She didn’t get one and it didn’t matter. Wesley thought she was doing this to protect herself, which she was, but a small part of her was doing it stop the Beast from hurting anyone else.


Lilah had figured she’d be sent back to Hell after handing Wolfram and Hart over to Angel. She was expecting to be pulled back and placed back in the room of never-ending meetings, but she wasn’t.

She didn’t know if the Senior Partners had forgotten about her or if she had more to do. She spent most of her time at the firm, ordering people around, making sure they were making everything just right for Angel and his band of do-gooders.

One night, though, she found herself standing in the living room of Wesley’s apartment. He was packing his things, most likely for a more. And as she watched him, Lilah knew what she had to do.

Finally, when he turned and looked at her, Lilah gave him a faint smile.

“Don’t sign anything at the firm,” she stated. “Or, you’ll end up like me and that’s the last thing I want, no matter how much you despise me.”

Wesley had opened his mouth to say something but Lilah hadn’t heard it. Instead, she was tugged back to Hell, while hoping he would take her advice.


The cell phone vibrated on the table and Lilah opened her eyes. Picking it up, she glanced at the ID, wondering why the firm was calling her. With some effort, she wriggled her way out of Giles’ embrace and quietly padded out of the room.

When she answered the call, a voice came over the line. Lilah didn’t speak but instead just listened. They praised her for getting in with the Watcher, telling her she could have her job back.

Lilah chewed her bottom lip. The offer was tempting until they told her what she needed to do to have her job back. With a sigh, she hung up the phone, cutting them off.

Turning, she went back into the bedroom and back to the bed. They had wanted her to kill Giles in order to get her job back, and the choice had been easy.

The man she loved was more important than the firm.

prompt response:lilahmorgan

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