(no subject)

May 04, 2007 12:24

Title: Blood Moon
Prompt Number/Prompt: 016/Rain
Character/Fandom: Remus Lupin/Harry Potter
Word Count: 400
Rating: PG-13
Warning(s): Based on something you learned about Remus in book six.

The rain was pounding against the small roof of the porch as Remus stared out into the back garden. His father had asked him to wait, saying they’d go out together to look for Remus’ lost toy. He didn’t want to wait any longer and knew his father wouldn’t have time, especially when he started to talk to Remus’ mother about money.

They always talked about money, and Remus hated it since it usually turned into a fight. This time his mother was upset because they owed someone money and she was afraid they would hurt them.

Remus didn’t understand why someone would hurt his parents over money. There were a lot of things he didn’t understand at his young age.

With a long sigh, he ran out into the rain and across the back garden. He knew he’d left the toy near the fence. When he got there, the toy wasn’t there. Frowning, he looked about and wondered where it could’ve gone. He bit his bottom lip and crossed his arms as the rain drenched his clothes.

Remus was about to go back to the house when he heard a whimper coming from behind him. Turning, he saw what looked like a dog there. He smiled and reached his hand out. But, when he realized it wasn’t a dog and saw the creatures massive fangs, he quickly pulled his hand back.

The creature, which he would later learn was a werewolf, lunged at him. Remus let out a small cry and stumbled back. He caught his balance, though, and sprinted toward the house, his trainers becoming soaked with mud and water.

It wasn’t enough. The string of one of his trainers was untied and before he could reach the safety of his house, Remus tripped and fell into the mud. He tried to crawl away but before he could, he felt white pain through his leg as the creatures fangs sliced through his skin and muscles.

He screamed out, calling for his parents as the creature released him and ran off. Remus continued to cry for his parents, the pain becoming too much for him to bare.

At the time, he didn’t understand why it’d happened but he would, years later.

And, while it took years for him to find out who’d done it to him, it only took him minutes to figure out his revenge.

prompt response:rlupin

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