016 Rain - Alex Tully - Drive

May 04, 2007 10:47

Title: Fall Out
Prompt Number/Prompt: 016 Rain
Character/Fandom: Alex Tully/Drive
Word Count: 554
Rating: R for language and violence
Warning(s): Pre-Drive based on what we learned about Alex's background in the four episodes of the show and the expansion Liz and I have done on that with Alex and Kat here at DM. Plays directly into Kat's prompt response here.
Summary: Alex deals with what happens after a job goes bad.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Alex? We've had jobs go bad before."

Tearing his eyes away from the rain beating down on his Challenger's windshield, Alex tossed a glare in Bob's direction. They were sitting at the side of some isolated stretch of road in Indiana, where Alex had pulled over when Bob had started snivelling that he should have been taking the interstates since it would be faster and complaining about his driving. "We've never had someone die before, jackass! Plus you led the cops straight to my car, which is why I have to take these damn backroads and not the interstates like you want. I'll also have to get new plates, and that's going to cost me pretty much all my cut from this fucking job. Plus you managed to destroy the only god damn phone we had, so I can't even call Kat to make sure she got to the secondary meeting place okay."

"Frank and Kyle were with her too--."

"I don't fucking care about Frank and Kyle!" he cut him off.

"No wonder the job went bad. All you and Kathryn can do is think about your next fuck instead of keeping your minds on what you have to do."

Whipping his arm out, Alex opened the compartment containing his knife and pulled it out. He leaned over, pressing the weapon to Bob's jugular. "Did you just blame us for Chance's damn screw-up? He's the one that got jittery and killed those people! I told you not to bring him in!"

Bob seemed to ignore that, instead choosing to bait him further. "Kathryn should have worked faster! She's not as good as you seem to think, but everyone knows you've been letting her lead you around by the cock for the last year. More worried about her than the job. Gotta make sure precious Kathryn is okay. I should've just banged her and dumped her the first--."

Growling, Alex sliced into Bob's shoulder and, while the other man gasped in pain, reached across him to open the door. Without a word, he pushed Bob out into the water-filled ditch next to the car before pulling the door shut again.

He then started the Challenger and drove off into the rain, leaving the other man behind.

Stupid sonuvabitch. Alex was seething about Bob's comments about Kat. She was the only goddamn good thing about this crew and the best hacker they'd ever had.

He knew he was going to face a lot of shit for what he'd just done to Bob, but he didn't care. Kat was more important. Always would be. He loved her, and nothing was going to change that.

Not even Kat punching him after he arrived at the motel in Ohio. He just held her in his arms while she broke down crying, glad she was okay, whispering apologies for not being able to call, tears in his own eyes.

As Frank and Kyle stared at them, Alex knew that none of them understood what he and Kat had together. Bob was right about something - he was more worried about her than the next job. And he was starting to wonder if maybe that meant that they needed to get out of this before something happened to either of them.

prompt response:alextully

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