Nov 14, 2006 13:44
Dear My Fellow Ottawans,
I firmly believe that every citizen has a right to cast their vote as they see fit. That having been said...Larry O'Brien? LARYY O'BRIEN!!!? Is there a localized crack epidemic that someone forgot to tell me about? The man's campaign was a hodge-podge of vague muttering along the lines of "Um...TAX FREEZE and er...LIGHT RAIL...and maybe...BETTER" Have any of you Brian Booster give any thought as to HOW he might fund a light rail project, improve city services AND hold the tax rate? That's okay. Apparently neither has he.
Yours in frustration,
Dear Rona Ambrose,
Poor baby. You just can't catch a break. The opposition parties, environmentalist, average Canadians -- all across the country people are bashing your Clean Air Act. That has to suck hard core. You probably worked on that proposal for at least twenty minutes and here everyone is dumping all over it. And now the international community has jumped on the bandwagon. Those conference attendees can be such bastards can't they? You are but a humble environment minister. What do people want from you. It's not like you *created* global warming. Why should you have to help clean up the mess? Don't worry, kiddo. You just keep those 2050 targets in place and vengange shall be yours. Those smug conference assholes won't be so quick to hand out fossil awards when they're fleeing rising ocean levels or dead because of mass famine. MWAHAHAHA!
No love,