Aug 01, 2003 23:48
Man, I was depressed last night. I'm not going to go into it, like why or what I did or anything like that. Suffice it to say that I haven't felt that terrible in a long time.
But I'm all better now! I'm in a really good mood today! Good ol' come-and-go depression, lol.
So today I babysat Patrick and Arielle. Patrick is like 2 and Arielle is just over a year I think. They're insanely cute but very demanding, especially Patrick cuz he can talk and all. Arielle can say a few things, like "Thank you," (which is really cute to hear her say) but Patrick can sit there and have an argument with you. He refused to eat, he didn't listen when I told him not to do something, and he kept demanding that we go to the park. Also, he kept trying to steal the little neighbor boy's trucks... lol. Anyway, I was glad when it was over. As I usually am with babysitting.
It was, however, TREMENDOUSLY amusing when the kids wandered into my bedroom and started playing with my thongs!!! LOL, I SO wish I woulda had a camera!!!
Then there was Youth House tonight, which was fun as usual. Not much to say there I guess. Sonja came, which was cool cuz I haven't seen her in a while. Joyce beat me with a piece of wood because I'm French. Whatever. I'm proud of my heritage. I'm not proud France's decisions lately, but I am proud of my heritage. My ancestors fought in the French Revolution. They did the whole Les Miserables thing.
Oh yeah, and:
Colorado was admitted to the Union on this day in 1876. Hooray!