First of all I want to wish
cmbarrytxa very happy birthday! Hope your day was awesome!
And I just talked to
aggieshan08on the phone to get all the stories from her LA trip. She sounds like she's having a blast. But it is a little odd to be on MSN and not chatting with her. There's still a few people around to chat with though :) And I should be studying anyways.
About Gilmore Girls.... eh, what to say?
I decided not to do a while I watch post this time so I just give you a few thoughts.
Personally, most of the episode I was bored out of my mind. I don't know if it was because I had high expectations or what but it felt like they were just having the characters talk to use up time. I swear, I glanced up and saw it was 8:49 on my clock and was like, what has happened in this episode so far?
Rory/Logan: Sure, I've been saying lately that they need to do more with Rory but it seems every time that there's a Rory/Logan scene this season it goes on FOREVER! And there were two or three of them this episode! I can't even remember because I wasn't paying attention.
Emily: Eh, she was Emily. Kelly was good. I wanted more Gilmore Girls(and Richard) bonding, but they weren't bonding they were just talking about nothing. Now I remember why I never liked Seinfeld.
Lorelai and whoever the crap she's with: Yeah... so... nothing happened. She got mad that Chris wasn't there. Luke was there. Their chat seemed to be getting a little closer to friendship near the end, at least Lorelai was laughing and stuff. And then Chris showed up and she was happy to see him. But not happy because he hadn't been there. *shrugs* What any of that means, I haven't the faintest...
And I'm sad to say that even Lauren Graham seemed a bit off in the episode. When Rory calls to say that Richard had a heart attack she doesn't pull an F&S and get hysterical she says a soft... oh no.... That's it? Nothing more? And how did that tell Babette everything? Cuz she knew a lot when she went to see Luke in that 'Oh So Contrived' scene.
All I've got to say is that for an episode that everyone said was so awesome, it's the first time I feel like giving up the show because I'm so bored and I don't even care if Luke and Lorelai get back together. I feel like the only reason I'm watching is to watch Lauren Graham/Lorelai anymore. She got the only laugh out of me the whole episode and I'm not even sure it was supposed to be funny.
Rating - What did I give Go Bulldogs? A 4? Then 4.5.
I went to China Buffet today as a treat to myself for doing so awesome on my diet. Haha. Although, yes, I know i know, I need to stop this diet. But I'm trying to stop slowly so that I don't gain back everything I lost.
Anyways, it was my weekly lunch with T (yes, I actually call her T) who started the convo by telling me she saw BISS last week. She LOVED it! I barely got a word out before she was going on and on about how much she liked it and how much she wanted to see it again. Fine by me. She though Lauren was great and she even liked Mandy Moore (which surprised me a bit). Then of course when I tangented about Lauren, she couldn't help but tease me about it. Eh, she knows me.
And I missed House MD cuz I was on the phone with Shan. Does anyone know where I could DL a copy of this week's episode?