Jan 30, 2007 22:39
To start, Studio 60 was pretty freaking awesome last night. I don't really know what's up wtih Danny/Jordon but it someone wants to inform me, feel free. Matty was so cute though. And I felt so sorry for poor Rob Corddry (or Nate, which one was on The Daily Show?). Poor guy couldn't go on a date with the one he wanted. I think this was one of the first times that it didn't seem to be the West Wing in California.
Some thoughts on Gilmore Girls from tonight. Not many, so that's a plus. Or a minus. I'm not sure.
Didn't get to watch it at at the normal time because of a Columbus Free Clinic dinner. But here goes:
Rory: I'll start out with her cuz she's the easy part. Why do all of her SLs this year get solved so easily? It seems this thing with Paris should be a big thing, I mean Paris knows she's going to med school next year, but what's Rory doing? Paris is right, Rory should be in green. I really wish they'd give Rory more of a SL and more time on the air. (yes, this is me talking) I'm really interested in what's going on with her now, how the end of her college career is affecting her, what she's going to do next year, and all of that. And they're giving me petty fights with friends? Nu-uh. BOR-ING!
Sookie: Ummm... wow. So she's pregnant again. How many babies are going to be in SH by the end of the year? I still heart Sookie before. Jackson could have at least told her.
Lorelai: Before I get to anything else, I have to say that Lorelai/Davey was sooo cute! I watched it twice before I even finished the episode! Someone drop a freaking baby in Lauren Graham's lap cuz she needs to be a mom!
The whole Luke/Chris mess: So I'm thinking... neither right about now. Yup, you heard it straight from me. Chris is good to her but he's not the one for her and he's not a good father. Luke is a good father and he was the one for her but really, he's cold towards her, he hurt her and I still don't think he truly gets that. So I'm all for Lorelai divorce Chris and be single for a bit. Maybe then she can get friend Luke back and even tually work herself up to loving him again. Maybe she should join in on the 'man fast' that's going on on B&S right now.
But the letter was wonderful. Definitely got me choked up.
Congrats to Lauren Graham on her producership. And I loved her promotion of BISS. Her hair looked way awesome in the promotional spots during Gilmore Girls.
I'm so excited to see BISS on Friday. J is taking me to the Melting Pot, which if you don't know is this really awesome fondue place and then he's treating me to the opening of BISS. Course he called me his girlfriend today and I stiffened. Didn't say anything but I think he noticed. Ay....
For all who are interested in To Luke, With Love and wondering if I've just forgotten, know full well that I haven't. In fact, you might just see a new letter tomorrow. Okay okay, I give. There will be a new letter tomorrow and at least every week for the next month. I'm hoping to keep this going until my spring break and have it done by then. We'll see.
The ficathon assignments should be posted this weekend. This is more a reminder to myself to finally go back and edit because it's been sitting there on my computer waiting to be edited for awhile and of course I need to change a few things (mainly Luke's custody agreement, I guess I didn't have enough hope for the poor guy).
It's soo cold here! I can't stop shivering! I'm not complaining. No, yes, I am. I love snow. It's beautiful but I just wish it didn't also have to be cold. My house is this really old place and so the cold air seeps in the windows and the only way i can get warm is to tuck myself under my electric blanket, which doesn't make for some easy studying. Maybe I should go back to the coffee shop I used to go to last year, where I ended up drinking soo much coffee I never slept again!
Oh and my PCM (patient centered medicine) instructor didn't show up today because she went into labor. She gave birth today to twin boys. I can't wait to see pictures!
But what was interesting was our patient for the class. He was 45 yrs old and had his first heart attack and he was telling us about his father who had died from his own first heart attack at the age of 55 when our patient was 10 years old. Quickly calculating in my mind i realized that the father was 45 when his son was born and his wife, after the guy later revealed his mother's age, was 39. Plus the guy had 3 younger siblings all born by the time the wife was 45 or 46. Of course, after helping the patient, while I was walking home I couldn't help but think about how it gives me hope for Luke and Lorelai. Am I sad or what? And it gives me hope for myself. I don't want to have kids until after 30 anyways.
ETA: And I'm totally freaked cuz this lady on Delilah just said she has two kids named Caleb and Olivia. Wow.
studio 60,
gilmore girls,
lauren graham