Jan 23, 2007 19:41
All right so it's been awhile since I did this but here goes.
My thoughts on the newest episode of Gilmore Girls!
All right I'm still hoping that I can see it well since my TV's still fuzzy or I'll have to rewatch it to see Lorelai's pretty pretty clothes.
PAUL ANKA!!!! Well that just about makes my day. Plus some lovely lalas, that I haven't heard in awhile. And a great US history joke.
EEE! Lauren's got her lovely shorter hair. Makes me happy.
When did Rory suddenly become all friendly with GIgi? Probably about the same time that GiGi turned from scary brat to little angel.
IT HASN'T SNOWED?! Is that an anvil or what?
Can I say I love Lorelai/Rory scenes? (especially when I can basically tune out everyone else that's in the scene. hee.)
Cute scarf. Cute coat. And I can see it despite the fuzziness. Sweetness.
You know, whoever wrote this episode, write some awesome Lorelai/Rory-ness. They make me smile.
And the girl who plays GiGi apparently sucks at acting when she's not screeching uncontrollably.
I like L/R's old stockings better. The other ones are freaking scary. And can someone make DS not sing? At least it seems to hurt Lorelai's ears as well.
*hugs Michel* *hugs Luke* Man, I've missed this show. I swear, three scenes and the writing is awesomer already. Or did I just miss the show? Man, Lauren's doing a great 'holding back' Lorelai. Seriously, will someone let Lorelai let loose already?!!!
*hugs Lorelai* She said yes immediately. I love her.
THEY SHOOK HANDS?! We got from sleeping together to shaking hands? My how the mighty have fallen.
I love how they show us the next scene in a commercial for some GG pop culture thing.
Cute dress though :D I swear, relationship goes down the hill and she starts actually dressing better.
Hah! Lauren get to use the juggling she learned when making Moguls! I love knowing stuff like that.
AWWWW! Luke was soooo happy to see April! I love Daddy Luke. I feel all giddy inside. Here's a question, isn't April old enough that the judge would ask what she wants? I remember they almost asked my sister and I and I was only 7!
Did they put April's swim meet on May 15th for a reason? Cuz swimming is winter sport usually.
Oooh! More cute clothes! This all makes me want to go shopping. HA! They're referencing The Muse! This rocks!
Hah, lying to him already. Looks like we're really listening to our mother's warning, aren't we?
Oh good, folic acid is very important for pregnant woman. Decreases neural tube defects.
Lauren really is a very awkward winker.
So they didn't have the wedding party? O-kay do-kay.
Why would Christopher want a telescope?
I love how Luke just accepts Lorelai's quirkiness and goes with it.
Anyone want to remind Luke that Lorelai bought his first to April?
So this mall scene, Lorelai's not saying anything as aloud as possible... that was... I dunno...she was doing that thing with her eyes again. That thing she used to do that was like in her mind saying 'this man is wonderful'.
Aw, don't forget your helmet. What a good daddy.
I want to beat up GiGi.
Wow, Lauren looks beautiful. And it's SNOWING!!!!
I think I actually got choked up in that scene. *hugs Lorelai*
Rating: and i never thought I'd say this again... 9
Some comments on Studio 60 from last night
Why am I suddenly becoming such a Danny/Jordan fan? I never thought I could ship a Bradley Whitford character with anyone but Janel Maloney (speaking of which has she disappeared since West Wing ended?). However, in the last episode, the one before hiatus, I suddenly found his crush adorable. But I'm still confused why she keeps saying no. Is it because she's pregnant with another man's baby? Or is because she really doesn't like him like that?
And man, Matty looks like a great kisser, but I'm still not really liking him with Harriet. But Matty in a tight shirt... :D Tasty!
I studied a bunch of neurology for the boards over the past week and I took a practice test and I got 80% which is awesome. We only need 60% to pass the boards. And since neuro's one of my worse subject that gives me a nice feeling. Unfortunately I'm only batting .500 with biochem so that's going to need to get better. Stupid biochem. Grrr.
ETA: THE COAT!!! The coat Lorelai that was wearing when it started to snow. It was the same exact coat from Women of Questionable Morals when Lorelai dragged Luke out to catch the first snow fall of the year! That's the only other time I ever remember seeing that coat and I should know because I'm always checking out her cute coats. I just noticed that when watching that scene a second time. That's the same coat!
studio 60,
gilmore girls