Jul 01, 2008 02:22
So this has been a long time coming. I haven't been avoiding writing, per se, but more just preferred to keep things more to myself. I did this for many un-named reasons. Sloth being one of them, accompanied by a busier than usual schedule (20 hours of overtime this pay period. Nice.), focusing in more on getting my personal issues together; i.e. finances, personal wellbeing, etc. Coupled along with this was my realization that true friendships should not be maintained with non-personal interaction. Emails do not count. Same with text messages. The art of truthful communication has been lost to the age of technology. I never thought I would miss having a meaningful telephone conversation, or moreover, a chance meeting on the street that evolves into a 30-45 minute conversation over coffee. Still, I remain somewhat committed to making the goings ons of my life semi-public knowledge because I know life can be busy, and I know that I am not the shining example; the Great Communicator. I don't usually call too many people, but for the most part it's because I don't really have anything to say. Not to them, specifically, but in general. I suppose once you reach a certain age, its the same old same, day in and day out: work, gym, clean, sleep, repeat. Some room for variance, like going out or taking a vacation, but for the most part, it's a routine. I don't long for the days of my youth as I used to, but I want to remember what it's like to have large groups of friends that go out and do things.
It has been brought to my attention by some of the few that continue a stream of contact with me, that the 26 year old Kevin Jones is a very different creature from the 25 year old version. I did not completely comprehend what that meant until I stepped back and took stalk in everything. I find more solace in silence as opposed to last year, when I craved a constant barrage of stimuli. I read a lot. If I took the Seiberling Resolution Book Read-a-thon, considering the rate that I'm tearing through books, I would probably have completed it with ease. In the last week, I have tackled three books and have begun my fourth: Snuff by Chuck Palaniuk, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, Velocity by Dean Koontz, and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. I've begun the Worthing Saga for the first time in a long time. Big, long book by Card. I came across a note written in it "You are the coolest douchebag I have ever met...". Ryan Seibert, you cunning bastard. But I digress; I want to have this done by the end of this week, which shouldn't be all too trying. After that, I haven't decided. I think, though, that I should invest in a library card. Books are too damn expensive.
In conjunction with reading, it has also rekindled my desire to put pen to paper and start working on my book. But instead of creating characters out of pure fiction, I'm pulling random moments and issues from my own experiences, twisting them slightly, and adding them to the story. My main character is still without a name, but many accompanying characters are named, defined, and given personalities. She works at a call center for a major banking institution, in which I will be tapping my previous experiences with Downey Savings and Metro-One, as well as getting some idea of the daily on goings from Ben, who just so happens to work in a bank call center.
Continuing on my recent artistic streak, I'm nearing completion of Pete's birthday present that is about a year overdue. This has truly been a labor of love, so I hope she appreciates it. I also finished my first commissioned piece that I was actually PAID for (Audrey, I'm looking your direction). It will be hanging in Jeremy's room sometime in the near future and I must say, it's probably one of my best. Currently, I'm combining my recently discovered style and my previous infatuation to create a few comic inspired pieces. The first of which will be a portrait of Wolverine, which I will hopefully have done some time in July, given my current schedule.
Work continues to improve. I'm regaining the respect of my supervisors and doing my best to avoid office drama. When it's brought to my feet, I take care of it quickly and efficiently. Most of these issues, which are few in number, are handled directly. But some others, ones that I do not think I have the strength within me to come across without insult, are taken to supervisors. Being told that it is their responsibility to solve complicated issues, I address them and wash my hands of it. Unfortunately, this causes backlash amongst some of my crew. I refuse to apologize, because I know full well my ability to verbally break people, and do not wish to be a bigger blip on the radar that I already am. Even so, some issues are solved by a third option: my writing. Molding their personalities and character traits into the co-workers of my unnamed character that I refer to as the "IE's" (note: you will understand this further once I start writing and posting excerpts)
Aside from that, things are going well at home. As usual, Jeremy and I are getting along very well and see eye to eye on many things. Isaac, or "Idiaac" as Shannon named him, is excelling with great velocity in his quest to be the world's youngest hermit. Every day when I get home from work, as I close the front door, Isaac echoes it with his own. I'm not complaining. This is the guy that runs the dishwasher every other day, but refuses to remove items that are not his. I haven't even had the chance to speak to him in roughly a week. Unfortunately for him, however, that also denied me the opportunity to tell the giant that he left the overhead light on in his rattle-can green Dodge Duster. On the flipside, he never leaves the house, so it could be days until he discovers this. Though even him being late, which I didn't understand seeing as the guy does nothing but watch anime and play World of Warcraft, has sparked a fit of rage that rivals a 13 year old girl when denied Hannah Montana tickets. If you don't believe me, ask Bennie.
Well, that's all I have for right now. I'm trying to finish Of Mice and Men before the end of the day, which doesn't appear it will be a daunting task, but regardless, I still want it done. Take it easy, enjoy your week, keep in touch and above all age gracefully.