The Wrath of Kahn is on TV right now....sigh

Mar 28, 2010 10:41 to Megan's comment...hehe, it made me laugh only for the sense that you said "jesus christ," as I was talking about a Jewish holiday. Oh my, hehe. But thanks, how I adore you Megan.

So I wake up this morning and mom is all cheery...pretending nothing happened. This has become a common scene in my household. Reasoning with her is always impossible, but it is ok to pretend nothing has happened. Too bad for her I cannot forget what happened last night and druing the day.

I started writng a personal statement to a lot of things on my labtop last night. I was able to let out several things that were inside of me that needed to be expressed. It is already four pages, I can only assume that it will become much larger as I continue it. It is a rememberance of how things have shaped in my life since I came to truth about my sexuality. How it effected my friends, peers, and now my family. I miss high school only for the sense that I truly felt free. Free to be me with my friends whom I adore so much and how they all are such important parts of my life.

Today I am going to see a movie with Michelle and Ryan, and I hope Melissa is able to go. I am going to pick Matt up from work at 3:30, and there are some things that I need to talk to him about. Just basically I need to understand whether I should expect him to change his mind again...which I do not want to happen. I was hoping that he could go to the movie with me, Ryan, and Michelle, but his dad is a fucking prick. He cannot stand to see matt have any kind of freedom what so ever. His dad has to have complete control of everything that happens in his life. Too bad matt has such a unique mind and is very independant. Too bad he is only 16, cause if he were older I would go and take him away from the hell whole and cage which he is resttricted to. i am really looking forward to the movie.
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