Sep 24, 2011 14:24
[ Cue two Jack Sparrows -- one big and dirty and one teenage-sized. The smaller one is significantly cleaner and has some pretty good posture in comparison. Or was that better balance? One sways. He knocked a hat off his head. ]
I can't wear a hat?
Because I'm Captain and I wear a hat, tiny beardless me.
Yes, but I'm you and you're me and therefore I should wear it because I'm currently hatless. You are a hatless Captain. This could be solved if you put a hat on my head.
Ah no. I am Captain and there is a hat on my head currently meaning there is a hat on on your head because you're me and I'm wearing a hat so you are actually wearing a hat. Ha! I win!
That means I'm Captain. How dare you knock a hat off the Captain's head! Pick it up.
What? --You pick it up!
You smell funny.
jack sparrow