[video] In which Arthur screws up spectacularly.....

Jun 15, 2011 16:58

[Arthur looks pretty annoyed even before he notices the community recording him. He frowns at the screen for a second and then talks.]

Apparently this thing thinks I'm ignoring it, or maybe I should add my two cents in regards of Eames's post. No, I'm not cheating on Ramona because I am a loyal man and, you see, they happen to be the same person.

Just because I've been lying to you all about our jobs in the dream world for months it doesn't mean that I am lying now. It was justifiable, we can't go telling people that we can bend reality and implant ideas, can't we? That would get us kille...[Arthur stops, realizing what he just said,.]...fuck.

[the video ends abruptly.]

arthur [the point man], dirty little secrets virus

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