
Jun 15, 2011 09:52

[Suze is sitting at a desk of her school library. It takes her a moment to notice that she's being recorded. When she does she doesn't look pleased about it. She frowns and speaks in a low whisper.]

Look, I was avoiding you on purpose. Everyone's been spouting all these secrets and I do not want to contribute. Got that?

[She looks away to her work, trying to ignore the recording. Finally she sighs and looks back up.]

It's not like I'm going to tell everyone that I think I'm in love with the nineteenth century cowboy who's haunting my bedroom.

[She looks in horror at her own words. Now she looks pissed. Her voice is no longer quiet.] Oh what the Hell!?

[A disgruntled voice comes from off camera.] Language, Miss Simon! This is a library!

[The video cuts off there.]

suze simon, dirty little secrets virus

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