(no subject)

Jan 23, 2011 02:55

[Today Sylar is making a video post from a desk chair while eating an apple. From the webcam angle you can tell he has his feet propped up on the desk. He's just getting nice and cozy for story time.]

I know you all read that ridiculous meme. You read the meme and saw all that gossip about me and said to yourself, "what's the big deal about Sylar? Why do so many people hate him?"

Well, [he takes a bite out of his apple,] I can't answer that question. Just something in my personality, I suppose. Something in my genes. I am trying so hard to be a better person, and you're all not making it any easier. At all. Do you know how annoying it is to listen to some of you talk?

But that's not the point I'm trying to make. They talk and talk and talk, but no one ever talks about why. Did you ever think that maybe it's not my fault that I am the way I am?

[He takes his feet off the desk to facilitate taking a spin in the chair.]

So, let's begin. I'll give you the cliff notes. I was adopted. I was abandoned by parents who didn't want me-- not that my mom had much of a choice in the matter, since my dad killed her-- and I was raised by a parent, singular, who didn't understand me. I grew up, blah blah blah, and worked a job I hated for several years.

So, you know, I'm just minding my business, living my own miserable life, when someone comes and tells me I'm special. And I let it go to my head a little. I make some mistakes. Nobody's perfect, right? I had an addiction. But don't worry. I got better.

[He eats some more apple while letting that sink in for his ~audience~. When he starts talking again, his mouth is still full of apple. Let no one say Sylar isn't classy.]

But that's not even the crux of it, you know? That's just the tip of the iceberg. [swallow] Any one I've ever cared about has either lied to me, abandoned me, or both. Usually it's a combination of the two. Parents, adoptive parents, fake parents, girlfriend, best friends, you get the picture. You just can't trust anyone, you know? Especially here. I mean, you trust someone, really trust someone, and it's not an easy thing. Especially when no one in your life has ever been worth trusting. [man his story sure is starting to sound … very specific now.] And you care about that person-- not in a romantic way, but because they're the only one who ever really seemed to give a damn about you. And it sure is nice, isn't it? To have someone you can talk to, share all your deep dark secrets with …

[ Sylar then abruptly throws his 90% eaten apple across the room.]

And then it's gone! Poof! No more. Because that's how the community works. If you're lucky, they didn't voluntarily take themselves out of the picture. But some of us just aren't that lucky. Like me.

[A sigh.] And that's it, I guess. All you could ever want to know about me. Have a god damn field day, I don't really care anymore.

gabriel gray [sylar]

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