[Accidental Video Post]

May 07, 2010 13:17

[As the video resolves, it shows Shito standing with his gun out looking around warily, while Chika stands over a dead body with his sword raised straight up in the air. For those who can see spirit particles, there is a swirl of glowing golden energy rising from the decaying body to whirl around Chika and follow the line of the sword into the sky, where it disappears. Only when all the energy is gone does Chika lower the sword again.

He pulls out a little black bank book to check the balance, and scowls.] Man, I swear they've dropped the pay rate on these low rank zombies. It's gonna take us for fucking ever to make this month's...

[He glances up just in time to see a distortion in the air right behind Shito. His eyes widen and he lunges forward, throwing himself at the other zombie.] Look out!

[An odd-looking being carrying a giant scythe appears in the air. The scythe comes swinging down just as Chika slams into Shito, knocking him sideways. Blood sprays everywhere, obscuring the camera for a moment.

When it clears, the scythe-wielder has vanished, and Chika and Shito are sprawled on the ground. The majority of Chika's right arm lies some distance away, sheered off through the upper arm. Blood so dark it almost looks black seeps sluggishly from the stump at his shoulder, and he grabs at it to try to stem the flow.] Ow, fucking shit, what the hell was that?

shito tachibana, chika akatsuki

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