[Locked to the Investigation Team and those who know about the fog]

Jan 12, 2010 17:20

We went exploring inside the TV world today, but we didn't find much. Teddie claims that he can sense no change within the physical landscape, meaning, there are no new areas for us to explore. No powerful Shadows have cropped up, either. We searched everywhere we've been before, including Magatsu Inaba, but to no avail. It appears that those places shaped by our entrance into that other world still persist, even now...

Despite our lack of leads, even with Teddie's nose and Rise's scanning abilities, there's the sense that something is definitely off about that place. I can't put my finger on it, but it feels as though the world is... expanding, somehow. Is it due to the effects of the fog seeping into other worlds? Have they already begun to merge with this world, even now?

If that is the case, then it may be possible to travel to the affected worlds using the TV world as a sort of hub. I can't say for certain if such a means of travel is possible or not. After all, anyone can reach this world through any television, so long as they have the power of Persona at their disposal. But the problem lies in navigation. Without something to go on, we'd just be wandering aimlessly in the fog. Even Rise-chan needed some sort of clue about my psyche in order to pinpoint my location when I had been kidnapped.

But these are questions for another day. We've done all we can, for today, so we'll be resting up for our next excursion. I pray we find the source of the fog and soon...

naoto shirogane

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