Drunken ramblings

Jun 29, 2008 02:25

Sooooo....it's two in the morning, and I have officially consumed a LOT of vodka. Like, seriously. A lot. Sis is passed out on the couch; she had a long day, what with work and parrot bay. *snerk* I am an excellent drink-mixer, and she is a lightweight. LOL

I am reminded what absolute crap is on tv at 2am. I'm watching wrestling, because I don't care enough to change the channel. Forgot how amazingly cheesy it was. Not like UFC, where they're ACTUALLY kicking each others' asses. Was watching 'Stick It'. Cute movie that I've seen like 20bazillion times It's always on. It's good tho. Caught the end of Dirty Dancing earlier, and that's all you really need, right? That final dance scene? Yeah, that is love.

My husband is an idiot. Truly. So his friend was coming up to visit today, and I had to work. So I was like, well, just call me and we'll hook up for dinner or something. Because it would be nice to see his friend, who I haven't seen since 2000. So I'm at work, and one of my coworkers visits around 630pm (because we're both ridiculous people who work weekends) and offers me a ride home. So sure. At 845pm I hear from idiot husband. "We decided not to drive back into town, so we're going to eat here. Can I bring you anything?" Am so pissed I can barely breathe, much less speak civilly. Way to treat your wife, asshat. Feel like I'm 16 and being blown off by a 'boyfriend'.

SO THEN. I'm getting to okay. Watched Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Was looking forward to putting in one of my Eddie Izzard dvds. Then he came home. First, started going on about how friend was now going to pay him to build a plane. Great. Sure. Very excited. Except for the one fact that *we* were going to start building *my* plane in the next week or so. But I guess I'm not paying him, so who cares, huh? Screw it. Then he had the idiot nerve to ask if I was mad at him. Nooooooo...ya think?!

Sister called, and she got ditched as well, by her idiot boys. So here I am, at mom's hanging out w/ vodka. And online. At now 240am. Ugh.


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