Fight Club

Oct 27, 2005 02:54

So I ended up watching fight club with my roomies, it's a great movie, but unlike many movies and truly great things it's lost on people. Of course parts of it are lost on me to, just like parts are lost on them. My own pathetic cognitive reasoning attempts to tell me the parts I noted and understood were more important than those my roommates understood, but I know that's wrong.

I had a long discussion about it with them, and I started to open up my lovely mindfuck state into real world for a change. They played it straight out of the textbook, rebelling against it, conforming as a group against it, supporting each other. And I know just like they said I was stubborn and refused to see their side, and thus one could argue the argument was pointless. But just as fight club points out the mere act of doing it was purposeful. I learnt and failed to learn simultaneously. I continue to exist, acting for the most part like the rest of the sheep out there, becoming the sheep myself. But not, for I'm criticizing others, and attempting to point out the path to enlightment. But the sheep themselves do this, thus there are sheperds among the sheep. This is why people stop to climb the fucking social ladder. They refuse to see themselves as the sheep they are being controlled by others, and want to be the sheperd controlling the sheep. But it's the sheperd who he himself is the sheep.

Enlightenment follows a dufferent path, I am not enlightened much as I crave it and rant. I am perfectly hypocritical. I have now stated my perfection in imperfection, thus I have achieved being an oxynmoron, by doing so I exist by not existing. I am god, I am sheep, and at my rate I'll probably die long before I reach enlightment.

Now if I wanted to qoute Tyler Durden I'd say "fuck being perfect" and stop trying, but that's what he himself tried to be. One would say I'm emulating the hypocrisy that my roomie Hoda argues is Tyler Durden in all his glorious beauty. Or maybe Tyler Durden was emulating me. Wow, what an arrogant mindfuck I am, aren't I? Oh right this is the part where I look to others for negative reinforcement, espousing my positive aspects. It's that beautiful trick you, and we humans play all the time consciously or subconsciously. You know you all do it. It's gnawing away at your soul Raven, that's why you don't understand why I want to help you, because you know you're doing it, and the mere thought that you're using me hurts you.

However, I'm using you, and I know you're using me, and I want you to use me and toss me away like the condoms that never got flushed down the rusty toilet. Yup, just some sick trash. Just like I want to use you to make me feel good about myself, and fill out my revolting little masochistic urges, tossing myself at others feet and being used.

How many is this lost on? All of us including me, and that's just the sheer beauty of it. "I don't gibve a shit what you think" is a lie, always has been. You know it, you espouse it, but you're clinging to the pantlegs of other people as you do so.

What do I know for certain? Nothing really. And everything, oh yeah now I'm just spouting nothing and going nowhere. But I'm crazy, I'm a genius, I'm a baka, I'm a sheep and I'm even the dog crap you just stepped in. Welcome to paradise, population: 0 to 6,000,000,000 in a goddamned nanosecond, and a number so infinitely small theres no representation for it.

Oh yeah and be careful with that explosive you're handling right now, try to blow something up with it.
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