Uni life

Sep 25, 2007 21:08

OK, so; YAY I'm at uni!!!!

Woo Hoo!!

Came up on saturday, luckily I'm with really nice people. 6 of us in total, 3 guys, 3 girls.

Have finally managed to get the internet working at my place, so that's why I haven't posted anything earlier.

It's sod's law now though that now I can post on here the joys of uni life, I'm actually starting to feel just a little bit homesick.  Well, no, not homesick, more friendsick.  I really miss them.  I think the thing is that me leaving was so sudden, and I dunno, but it's not like I miss them, it's that I'm really going to miss not being able to see them in person.

It's the same with my cat, and how sad is this, I was on the phone to my mum, and I asked what it was like at home, and we got talking about what the cat was like, and we ended up describing what she was doing "she's in the kitchen" "in front of the cupboards?" "yes" "with her front paws crossed?" "that's right, and she's looking at me and slowly blinking..." and now I really miss my cat.  But I'm not missing my family.  It must be because I've spoken to them, and I actually said goodbye to them, whereas with the cat I can't really convincingly say "goodbye, see you at christmas".

But yea, I'm so tired. Everyone's going out and getting completely plastered (well, apart from me) and coming back in the early hours and making a load of noise, and then, I'm waking up at like, 7.30, and it's deadly silent all around me. LOL.

Cooking's 'fun'.  The girl whose room is across the corridor from me had to ring up her mum today to ask her how to cook a jacket potato.  And for some reason I've offered to cook a roast for 5 people on sunday....

Everyone's going to die of food poisoning, I just know it.
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