Exam updates

May 24, 2007 19:49

Today I managed to succesfully get through 3 individual Geology exam papers without crying, screaming, or giving up.
Paper 1 was ok, not too bad, hopefully I did well.  Paper 2, so-so, but not bad, pretty happy with it.  Paper 3 BITCH!!!!! Hated it.  Looked at first page and thought 'skip!'.
On extra plus side, practical, timed, side of art exam is over.  Clay is drying out as we speak.  Looks quite good, although I am seeing a distinct pattern in my clay work....
Anyway, now I just have to ensure I get a good mark for my 5 hours of hard work (and clay-covered skirt) by doing shit loads of prep in my book.
Oh, and it needs to be oxided/glazed/etc. to make it look extra pretty.
Plan for the rest of tonight is to now go away and revise for my English exam tomorrow... It should (hopefully) be fine. *fingers crossed*
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