15 Minutes to 500 words (D5)

Jun 17, 2010 17:42


OK! So I have 15 minutes to create this blog and hopefully make it into something remotely interesting.  Moving on before I fix my typos (I always feel an itch to automatically go back to fix my mistakes!), let's see what's going through my mind at this very moment:

Well, to be honest I'm thinking about how I will be going to a coffee shop with bad hours (really?  Wednesday you close at 5pm?) and I'm pretty happy about it since I love their drinks and the atmosphere.  It's just the hours are bad... but before then I should go for a walk ne?  I've been working out, but yesterday I worked too much so today's an easy day.  You see, I spent pretty much all of my day helping make these signs.  So, since I'm dedicated to working (it was easy though) I was pretty much squished up on the floor writing letters on a sign.  They looked really nice but it took longer than I thought.  Eh well, it took me longer than I thought to trace them in the first place, you'd think I'd learn?  Nope.  Apparently not.  I'm smart you see but I guess it fades in and out.

Anywho, beyond that I was thinking about how my posts are actually late.  I started on this a while ago, and when I finally did my Day 2 of my year long writing project (surprise!  Now you know what all this D-stuff is about!) I managed to do one a day, but since I'm behind I keep wanting to catch up... but I write one day!  And so maybe today I will write three?  Who knows.  I mean I have to go to that coffee shop and solve puzzles afterward.  And speaking of puzzles *cough videogames cough*, I finally bought myself FFXIII!!  After two tries I got the right HDMI cables and I'm ready to watch Advent Children Complete but to also play my precious new Final Fantasy game!  But I also got this game for my b-day (Borderlands) and I think I'll play that one with my mom... after we play a lot of Modern Warfare 2 since that's our drug of the moment.  Ehhh... I also have Persona 3 that I need to continue... and Persona 4 I need to start >.>  I suppose I could schedule my video gaming?  I should since I had started on the single player of Modern Warfare and I was going to try F.E.A.R.2.  And on that note, isn't it nice that I used it's soundtrack to write some of my Nanowrimo?  I think so!

On my Nano, I feel as if I should be doing work on it but I also need to continue my fanfic first.  I had my friends give me a prompt and I finally have inspiration on it.  I want to do it, and this, and two more projects but it's kinda confusing with all the other stuff I have to do.  I mean I don't have a job and haven't had one in a while.  I need to deal with getting one, deciding my future (since I'm going back to school) and deal with everything else that comes with getting my apparent "life" back.  And then there's all that other stuff that I want to do.

But moving on!  I only have a few minutes!  Alright, so I want to edit my Nano and I'm ashamed to say I haven't touched it since November.  It was kind of a big thing (I loved it though!) but it was such a big thing that when I was done I was too exhausted, and frankly unmotivated, to touch it again.  I knew it wasn't as good as I wanted.  My characters were weak where in my head they weren't.  I need to discover how to translate things from my head to my paper in the right way.  In a way it's the same thing as my recent post ... but---Damn times up!  Time for me to edit... and I was just getting into it.  Maybe talking about my Nano can be a post of it's own, and maybe this project will lead me to finally do my nano properly... who knows. Was nice to limit myself today though.

EXP:  So this post was started because I thought about Nanowrimo.  Do you know what it is?  In short it's this: NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth (Nanowrimo).  So during November you try to write a novel so to speak... or at least make it to 50k words (some do fanfics, poems and other things).  I participated in this last year and I remember that in order to motivate me into writing enough to catch up (lol déjà vu?), I would time 15 or 20 minutes and write super fast without editing. It's this way that I managed to finish on time.  I thought it'd be cool to do it here too since I'm late!  I'm late I'm late I'm late! *rabbit runs around*
Words: 715/500


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