My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12
bar_hop_junkies a-wiggling.11
ccpgurus a-writing.10
cosmic_muffins a-smooching.9
duckzillas a-sleeping.8
flutterrgrrls a-calling.7
jessiepops a-ranting.6
kattkins a-squeezing.5 brown
lyquidphyres.4 bouncing
mattpantss.3 Irish
mrspotatoheads.2 dog
mzvee8s.And a
nellanell in a olive tree.Another fun meme brought to you by
I likes me some squeezin.
Can I please not go to work today? I's sleepy...I made a million ginger cookies last night, and knitted some of the afghan I'm making aaaaand *flump*
11-5. Lookit me go!
Pleasant Something People