Another Day

Jun 29, 2001 15:19

Well, here I am. And today is my first go at writing in this journal. I feel as though it is a little too public to admit my deepest, darkest secrets and fears on here, though; but I'll definitely try to be as open as I can.

Because it's not too private, I'll have to use initials instead of names, to protect the innocent...and the guilty. Ha, that sounds really *heavy*. But initials it shall be.

So, anyway. As anyone who reads this will soon find out, I am the biggest Eddie Izzard fan on the face of this earth -- which, like the moon, is "all sticky". And yesterday, I heard the "Live At Club Class" tape for the first time. As usual, I split my sides laughing.

That's the thing that has really made me love Eddie Izzard more than ever -- his wonderful ability to make me laugh, no matter how down and sad I feel.

Down and sad...those are two words I will most likely use almost constantly in the coming entries in this journal; I'm not as depressed as I used to be, and my recent "affairs of the heart" have not been as hard to handle as the one with T, all that time ago. And then J. But now, E...and it's not so bad. It's almost enjoyable, even though he will never in a million years love me back.

Oh, yes. As well as depression and unsociableness (not entirely sure that's a word), I am prone to fits of unrequited love. I seem to feel these violent emotions towards men who barely know my name...I think it's safer that way.

For the first day, I think that's quite enough.
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