This is my first attempt at a livejournal type of situation. Just bear with me as I blunder through it. On with the show!
Firstly, I would like to comment on the amazingness of Japanese TV. Dont believe me? check out this link: gay
I am NOT making this up. This is considered the height of Japanese entertainment. But nobody seems to mind his antics overmuch, so why should we? In America, this guy would be sued so terribly. But in Japan? Completely normal.
Next, Final Fantasy IV Advance is one of the best GBA games out there. I played the original game for SNES, and I can honestly say that this game has captured the essence of one of my favorite Final Fantasy games ever. Sometimes, there are occasional framerate lags, but I think this was the case in the original incarnation as well. But, overall, I am really jazzed about being able to carry such a great game around with me. Quicksave is my god.
That's all for now... I am certain that I will add more in the future.