I should be cooking dinner!

Mar 17, 2011 18:29

I think I need to get a lock on my office door *nods* It seems every time I sit down to read lj or to update someone wants something from me!

We’ve not seen the big snake again *yay* I think it’s safe to assume it has moved on. The babies, unfortunately, haven’t *sigh* I stood on one Saturday night as I came in through the gate *shudders* which was a good reminder for me to wear shoes when I’m outside, because that feeling under your toes is just horrid.

The girls had netball grading last Sunday. Tori played well; she’s hoping to stay in the same team she was last year, because they’re all really nice girls and they get along with each other, but she may be moved because she’s a year older than the rest and the grading committee cottoned onto that about half way through grading.

Maddy’s knee collapsed only a few minutes into the grading, so she had to come off. I think she simply fell over and it scared her more than hurt, because after a little bit she went for a walk, and then decided she was right to go back on. I was in two minds, but I let her make the decision herself to ask the grading committee (all of them know she’s injured *g*). The first response was a categorical ‘no’, but then they needed someone to just fill in as goal shooter (mostly non-running), so they put her in not expecting her to do anything, as she usually plays defence - she shot a goal every time she got her hands on the ball *woot* and didn’t hurt herself! Tori was eavesdropping on the committee, and they were impressed that she could play at both ends of the court *g* I’m hoping that this will be enough to get her into the A grade side, because the challenge would be good for her.

Anyway, we should hear something in the next week about the teams the girls are playing in.

Much of my week has been mostly dedicated to sorting out office furniture. I simply can’t keep working like I am (my printer/fax/copier is sitting on a packing box!). Of course, just like everything else, what I want and what I can get are two totally different things *sigh* It’s not ‘fashionable’ to have solid, quality wood furniture at the moment, which is what I wanted. So, I’m stuck with stuff that looks like it belongs in a typing pool office *grumbles* Availability isn’t an issue, but getting the components to fit into my office neatly is making my head hurt *pouts*

I also haven’t been able to move with stepping over a dog all week. If I want to go forward it’s Bonnie who’s in the way and to the rear it’s always Monty. I don’t know what’s up with them, but it’s driving me a little insane.

Hubby’s started at 3am three mornings out of four this week *yawns* While I don’t exactly get up with him at that ungodly hour, I do have to wake up and make sure he’s moving, so it does mess with me. I can’t wait for Saturday - no alarms, no waking until… well, it’ll probably be Monty at my bedside sometime around 6am demanding his breakfast.

Mitch has just walked in with the bill from the breakdown last week *ouch* The least he could have done was made sure I was sitting down before he gave it to me!

And now I should probably go and cook dinner before they all start complaining...

work, furniture, netball, kids, truck, dog, wildlife

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