So, my mother messaged me last night to say that she was thinking of coming down to my house today (we haven’t seen her since June… I think). I called her back and explained that Maddy had her school athletics carnival today and that I would be there all day, but that she was most welcome to join us. Now, I fully expected my mother to suddenly remember she had a pressing engagement, but to my surprise she said she’d see us in the morning O.o
I was thinking about it later in the evening and wondered if she’d heard me correctly, because I did call her cell phone and, from my end, her voice wasn’t very clear.
Fast forward to this morning and she turns up on the doorstep all ready to go to the carnival O.o It wasn’t all pleasant, as there was no tea or coffee available, and I had to tolerate her whining about needing a cup of coffee for several hours (I refused to leave just to get a coffee when I had packed plenty of water and coke, even though I desperately wanted one myself), but apart from that it was a pleasant enough day.
Maddy didn’t have a terribly good day, competitively speaking. Poor thing turned her ankle in her 100 meter sprint, which was her second event, and ended up running last due to not being able to hobble fast enough. She was really dirty on herself too *pats*
The weather was actually kind to us as well! It’s the first day it hasn’t rained for… well, I can’t remember how long! It wasn’t exactly warm or anything, but the sun was out and I’m actually a little sunburned (maybe wind burned would be more accurate) on my cheeks :) This isn’t going to last long, because the rain is due to return on Monday.
As has become almost tradition, it’s Friday and I’m totally and utterly exhausted again. I’ll definitely be in bed early tonight, because I can hardly keep my eyes open now. It was the kids’ last day at school for the term, and I’m looking forward to the next two weeks. The only things we have booked in are Mitch’s twice-weekly physio sessions (he’s doing a strength program developed to help young footballers avoid injuries associated with their sudden growth patterns - he’s loving it!) and nothing else *woot*
Tomorrow, despite the fact that the biggest football game of the year is on (AFL Grand Final - think Superbowl!), we’ll be heading to Tori’s netball team’s own windup (they have their own, because they’re special little snowflakes) in the next town south of us *sigh* I would really rather be watching the football, as I’m sure other parents would be as well (even Tori for that matter), but we’ll go. Maybe I’ll feel better about it when I have a little more energy…