Australia Day was fun! We sat back and relaxed, and simply enjoyed ourselves. The kids were in and out of the pool all day, and they had a game of cricket in the street as well. We all have Australiana 'tattoos' - I have a flag in the shape of the country with 'Australia' written underneath it on my arm *g*
Maddy is totally ready to return to school next Monday *woot* I picked up her new school shirts this morning, along with another school skirt. This is the first time she’s ever had a full compliment of new school clothes that have never been worn by her sister or one of her sister’s friends *g* The reason: the school changed the design of the senior shirts last year and I don’t have any of those.
We also covered all her books today (all 15 of them), put her name on absolutely everything and packed everything into her new schoolbag, after we went and exchanged said new schoolbag, because we discovered the one we’d purchased a couple of weeks ago had a rather large tear inside. While we were at the shops, we bought runners for both the girls, so they’re all ready to go!
She does still need choir shoes, but they have to be closed in plain black shoes with no more than a small heel, if there’s to be one at all. Given that description doesn’t quite fit the strappy sandals that are currently on the shelves we’ve decided to wait a few weeks for the winter stock to hit the shelves.
I still have to find Tori’s calculator *grumbles* I’m so tired of the school changing the calculator every year. This one is proving to be a bit difficult to source, so she might be starting with her old one until I can find someone who stocks it. And I have to pick up her uniforms on Thursday.
As for Mitch, I need to buy a schoolbag for him and pick up his maths books (when they arrive at the bookstore). I do have to grab him a couple of school shirts on Thursday, and I have to get his ‘blues’ - what they wear at work and in the workshop at TAFE, but that won’t be a problem, and he doesn’t need them until week three or four. I think he needs some everyday shoes and he definitely needs bootlaces *must remember to get those*
I think I’m going to be a little sad when these holidays end. It hasn’t dragged like it usually does, so it’s been good most of the time.
Hubby still doesn’t have much work *sigh* He is the one person who is driving me insane! I think the sitting around is starting to do his head in, and he’s been rather grumpy the last few days. I really can’t wait for things to get back to normal!
I've been pecking away at fic too! It's coming along very nicely *eg*