Drabble Fic Request

Sep 12, 2008 20:12

Requester: anitachandran
Prompt: Something about how Drake recovers from his stint in Azkaban.

Title: A Show of Appreciation
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Drake finds a way to say thank you.
Characters: Drake
Word Count: 995
Author’s Notes: This takes place in 2014 after the events of The Color of Royalty.

Dear Aunt Bellatrix,

I hope this actually gets to you. I’ve asked Uncle Harry to pass it on, and he said he’d try his best, but couldn’t promise anything. I know you don’t like him, but he’s my godfather, and he’s helped me a lot, so please don’t abuse him when you see him next. He also understands why I need to write to you, or if he doesn’t understand, he at least trusts my judgment enough not to question me too much about my decision. And, if this should actually get to you, don’t go flaunting what I’ve sent around, or we’ll all be in trouble.

Uncle Harry also agreed not to tell my parents that I’m writing to you. I’m not sure why he agreed so readily, but he’s a man of his word and he won’t tell on me. I only asked him because I don’t think my parents would be too impressed. It’s nothing to do with you; it’s more about putting the experience behind me and moving forward.

Grandmother was shocked to hear that I’d met you that day. At first she didn’t want to talk about it, but a few days later she wanted to know everything. She insisted that I take tea with her and tell her everything you said. It warms her heart to know you are still okay and that you are thinking of her, as she thinks of you every day.

Grandfather has been rather odd since my release. He hovers, as if he’s waiting for me to explode or lose the plot or something, and he’s visited me many times since my return to Hogwarts. Sometimes I feel as though I might explode, but then I push everything away and get on with what I have to. You would know that he doesn’t appreciate weakness in any form, and if I did do anything out of the ordinary he’d be one of the first to be informed.

I know they are both grateful you were there for me when they couldn’t be. Of course, I am as well. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for helping me through the worst day of my life, but hopefully the contents of this parcel might go a small way to conveying my gratitude.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the food I packed for you. The chocolates are Grandmother’s favorites (she’ll give me hell when she notices a whole box missing). Mum made the cake; it’s charmed to stay fresh, so it should hold for a few weeks and you should know that I did cop hell for that disappearing - she thinks I ate it all in one sitting. I didn’t know what else you liked or needed, so I included some of my favorites. You might have noticed the photographs by now; I thought you’d like to see what everyone looks like. I think the one of Grandmother and Grandfather was taken on their last wedding anniversary. The other photograph is of Mum and Dad, and us kids - it was taken this past summer, just before I met you.

Thank you again, Aunt Bella.

Your nephew,

Drake Malfoy

Drake sealed the letter, and then placed it into the box, charming it closed. He was taking a huge chance trying to send something to Azkaban, even through a highly respected Auror, and if he were to be discovered his parents were bound to find out, but he felt as though he owed his great-aunt something.

After addressing the box to his godfather, he climbed the rest of the way to the owlery and summoned two school owls. He was mindful not to send his own bird, in case Aunt Hermione recognized him. It was better if no one else knew he was doing this.


Drake pushed his eggs around his plate while absently listening to his housemates discuss the Quidditch match due to be played that day. His stomach was in knots, as it always was before a game, and all he was really interested in was settling himself down, so he didn’t vomit his breakfast all over the pitch.

Squeals of delight erupted around the Great Hall as the mail owls swooped in, but Drake hardly even glanced up, until one dropped an envelope in front of him. His godfather’s uneven script jumped off the paper at him, and Drake snatched the envelope off the table. It had been almost a week since he’d sent the parcel to Uncle Harry, so he hoped this might be confirmation that it had been successfully delivered. He eagerly tore it open and withdrew a piece of parchment.

Dear Drake,

I managed to personally deliver your parcel yesterday. The moment I mentioned your name she became very lucid. You must have really touched something in her. She asked me to pass on the enclosed to you. I’m going to tell you now that I did read it, but only to protect you. I hope this exchange has satisfied whatever need you decided you had to gratify.


Uncle Harry

Drake opened the envelope again and withdrew a dirty, creased piece of parchment. An odd mixture of feelings swarmed through his body as he unfolded the paper gently. He never really thought about how his letter might be received until now. What if she wasn’t pleased? The young wizard took a deep breath to steady himself and forced his eyes to look at the missive.

Drake baby,

Thank you for thinking of me. You are a very special young man. Tell Cissy I love her dearly and desperately await the day when we can be a family again.


Aunt Bella

Drake smiled wistfully, ignoring the sting behind his eyes, as he placed the two letters back into the envelope and shoved it into his robe pocket. He would win today for his great-aunt, and then tomorrow he might write to her again, telling her about the game.

The other drabbles I’ve managed to finish can be found here:

Harry Potter

For Better or Worse

A Fresh Coat

The Beginning


For Esme

First Date

drabbles, fic

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